Cupid on Campus: Things to Do for Valentine’s Day

By Trenton

5 min readFeb 12, 2014


Cupid on Campus

Valentine’s Day usually falls smack-dab in the middle of midterms for a number of students and can spoil budding romances and long-time relationships alike. Whether you’re searching for a Valentine or have one already, there are a number of fun things that you and a special someone can do around campus that won’t require too much planning and that won’t interrupt too much of your studying. February 14th also marks “Singles Awareness Day” for many, so regardless of your celebration or rejection of St. Valentine’s romantic day, here are a few things that you can do on campus with your significant other, a crush in your class, or a fellow Valentine-less friend this week.

Exploring Space(s)

Stars on Campus

There’s something quintessentially romantic about stargazing. Whether it’s wishing upon a shooting star, pondering the infiniteness of the universe, or just cuddling up under the night sky, it’s tough to deny the romanticism of space. Make a date out of visiting the U of A observatory and the Meteorite Collection! The Observatory is open Thursday evenings from 7–8 and can be a great place to celebrate Valentine’s Day a little early for those who already have Friday plans. So just stop by CCIS and check out the stars.

The Meteorite Collection is located in the basement of Earth Sciences Building (just down the hall from the Paleontology Museum) and contains one of the largest collections of meteorites and precious minerals in Canada. While rocks and minerals don’t necessarily scream romance, one look at the twinkling meteors and shining diamonds will satisfy both the intellectual and the romantic alike. For those without a Valentine, take the time to appreciate the wonders available at the museum and the observatory. Who knows, maybe you can use your new found knowledge to woo a potential Valentine for next year.

ProcrastiNite in Shining Armour


On Thursday night the Alumni Association (as a part of the After U program) will be hosting a movie night complete with puppies, popcorn, and hot chocolate. Not only is ProcrastiNite a great stress reliever, it’s also an inexpensive way to inject some cuteness and entertainment into your Valentine’s Day planning. The battle between Singles Awareness Day and Valentine’s Day will also be on full display as guests have their choice between watching Marvel’s mostly un-romantic heroes battle a chitauri invasion in The Avengers or watching the insanely attractive duo of Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone navigate romance in the very entertaining rom-com Crazy, Stupid Love. The event kicks off with Furry Friends and a hot chocolate bar at 6:30 and the movies start at 7:30.

RSVP by clicking here.

Iron Man Party
Emma Stone
Ryan Gosling

Love’s Lost and Found

Whether you’re a fine art aficionado or you just want to look a little bit more cultured on a first date, Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to check out Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost presented by the U of A Studio Theatre. The performance will feature members of the BFA acting Class of 2014 and will explore how sleep, food, and sex interfere with work and study. I’m sure the fantasy love stories at the heart of the production will set the stage for a romantic Valentine’s Day while the level of talent on display can still be appreciated by the non-romantics in the audience.

W(h)ining and Dining


The options for a conventionally romantic dinner on campus are pretty limited but that doesn’t mean you need to venture far for food and drinks. It’s hard to deny the unique charm of Dewey’s and the incredible view of RATT and either can set the stage for a fun date. I’m honestly not sure what their policy is on bringing candles into the restaurant but you might be able to sneak in a few tea lights for a candle-lit dinner with your Valentine. If you find yourself Valentine-less on the 14th, grab some friends and head to Dewey’s or RATT to bemoan your lack of a Valentine or to have a celebration of all the ways in which a significant other would distract you from your very important studies. Regardless of what you’re celebrating, romance and independence alike provide ample excuses to eat and drink to your heart’s content.

While Valentine’s Day is a good excuse to discover, divulge, and develop a little more romance on campus, I feel like I should note that Valentine’s Day is no excuse for flagrant public displays of affection. Though the date ideas I’ve proposed will likely have your Valentine leaping into your arms, please spare the people celebrating Singles Awareness Day the sight of your blissful day in the land of love. Regardless of how you spend the 14th, I wish you all the best in midterms and a great final push to Reading Week.

