Freaky UAlberta Stories

By Niabi, Sam, Alvin, Taylor, and Kevin S

3 min readOct 31, 2017


When a place is as old as the University of Alberta, it’s bound to have a few spooky stories floating around… And because YouAlberta has explored some of them before, we thought that this time around we’d highlight a few that we’ve experienced personally. So, without further ado, this is a (sort of) true story that happened to a friend of a friend of mine…

I think the scariest, most nerve-wracking experience I have on campus is around lunchtime when my stomach is growling and I am waiting for my Chopped Leaf order. The waiting isn’t the scary part; the scary part is when I open the container to see that they’ve forgotten to give me avocado. – Niabi

Biological Sciences is the single scariest place I’ve ever been in on campus. They literally found a room over the summer that they didn’t know was there. A product of having two builders or the result of some supernatural phenomenon? The choice is yours. I’ve only been in Bio Sci once, but I can tell you, I got more than enough from that visit. The strange low hallways seem to collapse in on you as you walk along, and pictures of creepy bugs abound. I’m also pretty sure it’s haunted at night. I don’t believe in ghosts, I simply believe Bio Sci is so creepy that it bends the laws of the universe and becomes haunted. That’s logical, right? – Sam

One time, I was practicing for a business presentation in the Education building late at night when the clock stopped working and the hands started going backwards. We stopped and watched the clock go backwards but kept working on our presentation. – Alvin

There’s a rumour going around campus that if you go downstairs into the Education basement on a Tuesday at 9pm and sit down in the one lone cubicle desk on the North side of the building, you’ll get quite a fright. What kind of fright, you might ask? How about you go find out for yourself. Good luck and happy studying. – Taylor

First year psych courses mean research participation. That can be anything from completing surveys to navigating virtual reality. And while getting lost in VR is definitely Black Mirror-worthy, the truly spooky part is getting to the research lab in the first place — especially in Bio Sci. The first problem is finding a way in, which means it’ll be just as hard to find a way out. Enter through Botany? Good luck finding Zoology. But don’t worry about looking lost; every time I’ve gone into Bio Sci, I’ve felt completely alone, wandering through empty halls, getting more and more lost, riding random creaky elevators, and not finding the exit. – Kevin

