Just for Fun: A Look at Campus Recreation

By Billy

4 min readOct 2, 2013


At a time when assignments, midterms and readings are prioritized it’s incredibly common to hit the books instead of the gym. Even despite the fact that for the majority of our lives we’ve been constantly told that exercise is the key to a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

The American Intercontinental University reminds us that regular exercise can stimulate brain cell development, improve memory retention, increase focus and concentration, boost mood and relieve stress — and don’t those all sound amazing?

The challenges of university, especially the academic aspect, can cause anxiety for some people. At the same time, our university works just as hard as we do to ensure that we have access to year-round campus recreational activities and fitness facilities. Whether it’s co-ed volleyball, group Zumba or men’s ball hockey, Recreation Services offers a myriad of opportunities for you to get exercise in the same buildings you write your exams. With exercise being one ingredient for increased happiness, health and mental stability why not take the time to browse through their website or pick up one of their brochures placed throughout the Van Vliet Buiding and the Butterdome? For now, take a look at these photos from a small portion of their intramural and fitness repertoire, you may just discover your new favourite hobby.

Currently running on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Van Vilet main gym, women’s volleyball brings together teams of six or more to bond over their shared love for the sport. The amount of enthusiasm and sportsmanship that is displayed by these ladies is humbling and juxtaposed with their desire to play their best, it’s easy to see why this event is so popular.

Situated behind the Lister Centre, the Lister Turf provides the perfect setting for semi-competitive men’s soccer two times a week. These young men put their soccer skills to the test while exuding heart-warming displays of teamwork and passion. Fending off the increasingly chilly weather, these athletes prove that your dedication can entice you to make the time for hobbies and exercise during the school year.

Men’s flag football, also played on the well-maintained Lister Turf, allows students from all faculties to channel their inner Edmonton Eskimo. Showcasing the inherent camaraderie and athletic ability on our campus, this intramural activity is a fantastic way to get a satisfying amount of exercise two times a week. But most importantly, they have fun while doing it. So slap on your flags and grab a football and start practising for next years offering.

The first night of co-ed tennis had many participants eager to dust off their tennis rackets and refresh their on-court skills. Overhearing jokes about being rusty but excited, it was clear to me that these students, above all, had a common appreciation for the sport. Housed in the Butterdome Pavilion, this intramural opportunity provides a great stress reliever for anyone vying to be the next Roger Federer.

After watching a few matches and struggling to keep myself from jumping onto the court, it was evident that men’s triples volleyball is taken seriously — whether you’re a beginner or seasoned player. Despite the fact that there’s more space to cover on the court, these men play their hearts out and break a sweat, or two, in the process. All in the name of campus recreation, these volleyball players gather twice a week to polish their skills and take a much needed break from their studies in hopes of winning the glamorous title of ‘campus rec champions.’

Open to anyone at anytime, badminton courts are situated along the east side of the Butterdome Pavilion. With no need for prior registration or bookings, playing badminton on your spare time is that much easier. So if you love the sport there should be no excuse for you to get in some exercise between or after classes.

Though these intramural activities, apart from badminton, are no longer accepting registration there are still numerous opportunities for you to get involved in the coming days, weeks and months, so watch for registration openings and deadlines on the Campus Recreation website. You can’t afford to dismiss the chance to get in some much needed exercise right on campus!

