Lessons to Carry Forward Into the New Year

By Niabi

4 min readJan 7, 2019


Many people see a new year as a clean slate, a time to leave certain mentalities, habits, relationships, or situations in the past. However, after dwelling on the trials and tribulations of the past year, I think it’s just as important to focus on the successes and accomplishments of 2018, and all the good behaviours and lessons that we want to carry forward into 2019.

With the new year upon us, I thought I would give you ten lessons I learned last year, all of which I have come to value and plan to carry forward into the New Year with the hopes that 2019 will be just as fulfilling, if not, better!

1. Learn from the actions of others

2018 showed me that I can avoid many trying situations by listening to the advice of the people I trust or by observing the outcome of someone else’s actions. While I used to be a person who would have to make mistakes on my own before coming to certain realizations, this past year, I discovered that there is value in listening to the advice of those who love you and want the best for you.

2. Your timeline is different form everyone else’s

This past year I’ve learned that timing is unique for everyone. There is no use in comparing your life to someone else’s. Instead, trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and acknowledge that you never know what amazing thing is just around the corner.

3. (Try to) see the blessing in failure

2018 taught me to flip my mentality around failure, and yeah, it’s easier said than done. In order to see a failure as a blessing, you need to be able to trust in the unforeseen future. There were moments in 2018 where things did not work out the way I was hoping they would, but only by looking back do I see that these mishaps were blessings in disguise, ones that made space for even better opportunities that were more suited to me.

4. Some bridges are worth burning, some are worth rebuilding

Over the last few months I’ve come to recognize the difference between a relationship that I should rebuild, and a relationship that I should leave behind. Surround yourself with people who uplift you and believe in you. Anything else is not worth your energy or investment.

5. Going solo

2018 was the first time I used the subway in NYC on my own. It was the first time I spent a day in the streets of Havana on my own. These moments may sound small and insignificant, but as someone who rarely does things on my own, I saw them as accomplishments. Try and push yourself to do something different. It might make you uncomfortable in the beginning, but you never know where trying something new can take you.

6. Do your part

In the last twelve months I’ve started to pay more attention to how my actions contribute to the lives of others. In 2019, I plan to do what I can to become a better global citizen by informing myself and giving my time to help address issues that may not have a direct effect on me, but have a significant effect on others.

7. Actions speak louder than words

There is nothing more frustrating than someone who doesn’t practice what they preach. Don’t be that person. In 2019, I plan to commit to something only if I am ready to FULLY commit to it. I plan to keep the promises I make, to always follow through, and to hold myself accountable for my actions. Do this, and watch how your relationships blossom and strengthen.

9. Be easy on yourself

It takes longer to break certain habits or behaviours. If you can’t keep up with more than one resolution, focus on one to start with. If you find yourself reverting to habits that you wanted to break, see each day as a clean slate and start from there. A little bit of progress is better than no progress at all.

9. Recognize the difference between self-love and selfishness

2018 showed me that there is a fine line between self-love and selfishness. This year, I want to make sure that my acts of self-love are fulfilling and nurturing, but that they also have a positive effect on others. Self-love isn’t healthy if it involves neglecting friends or relationships, ignoring problems that need to be addressed right away, or abandoning your values. In 2019, I plan to take care of myself first, but do so in a way that nurtures those closest to me as well.

10. Avoid mediocrity

The past year has taught me that I am worth more than second thoughts and maybes. I constantly remind myself that if a certain situation or someone leaves me with mixed feelings, uncertainty or an unsettled mind, I don’t need to place my energy there. There is nothing wrong with expecting more than the bare minimum. Give everything your all in 2019 and don’t settle for less than you deserve!

