Pedways 101: A Guide to Using Campus Pedways

Hallie Brodie
Published in
6 min readJan 16, 2019
Image courtesy of InfoLink: Your Campus Connection

Trying to make it across campus without freezing your face off? Consider taking one of these indoor routes.

Note: These are also handy for rainy, windy, and/or exceptionally hot days… or any day when you just want to stay inside.

The West Route

(i.e. Get from SUB all the way to CME, MEC, or even DICE)

  1. Take the stairs to the second floor of SUB. Cross the pedway to the Agriculture-Forestry building.
  2. Head down the stairs and take a right. Cross the pedway that leads in to the General Services Building (GSB).
  3. Once in GSB, take your first right. You might be sore from leg day, but you’ll want to head up the stairs to NREF.
  4. Keep walking straight ahead and you’ll see the pedway to ETLC.


Option 1: From ETLC (facing North in the cafeteria), head straight and take the pedway to CME and DICE

Option 2: From ETLC (facing North in the cafeteria), turn to your right/East, walk past the Elko Engineering Garage, and take the pedway to MEC. If you keep following the hallway in a northern direction, you’ll end up in the National Institute for Nanotechnology.

The Central Route

(i.e. Travel from the SAB all the way to Bio Sci or ESB)

  1. When you enter the South Academic Building (SAB) from the South door closest to the bus loop, walk down the ramp and just keep heading North. It’s a pretty long hallway — but on the plus side, you just have to head straight. No turns or anything.
  2. At the end of the hallway you’ll find a very small set of steps with a ramp, which lead into the Central Academic Building (CAB).
  3. To keep going beyond CAB, turn right at the Panda Express and pass by the Tim Hortons and continue to the InfoLink desk.


Option 1: If you want to go to the library, turn to your right and head East from the InfoLink desk. It’s a short walk, and you’ll quickly find yourself in the Cameron Library (or you’ll be in the line-up to Starbucks…)

Option 2: If you continue to walk North from the InfoLink desk, you’ll pass through a doorway that leads into the Chemistry Building (C).


If you walk all the way to the North entrance to the Chemistry Building, you’ll be taken into CCIS. It’s in CCIS that you can choose your own adventure to head towards Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (ESB) or Bio Sci (BS).

Option 1: If you are looking to go to ESB, take the stairs to the second floor of CCIS. Once on the second floor, you’ll need to face East and follow the only hallway that goes in that direction. You’ll walk through a pedway, and once you reach the side with the automatic doors and the cool looking fossils, you’ll know that you’ve made it to ESB.

Note: This walking all the way to the East end of ESB and then making the 20 second run to the Tory Building will allow you to make it almost all the way to Tory inside. Almost.

Option 2: If you want to go to Bio Sci, stay on the first floor of CCIS. From the Chemistry pedway, turn to the right (i.e. West). At the Faculty of Science’s Student Services Office, turn right and walk North towards the large lecture theatres. Bio Sci will be just to the left (West).

The East Route

(i.e. Get from Law to FAB or the Timm’s to Fab to HUB to Business, Tory, and Humanities.)

Note: if things are unlocked, you could actually begin all the way in the Timms Centre. If you do that, just be sure to start on the second floor of the centre and head north into the Pedway that takes you Into FAB.

OR, you can start over in Law instead. That’s right Law. If you start in Law, get yourself to the second floor and, like Fievel, go west. You’ll walk up a very long sloped hall/pedway that will take you into FAB. From there, just get to the centre of FAB.)

  1. Starting on the second floor of the Fine Arts Building (FAB), head to the northwest corner, where you’ll find the doors that lead to the pedway to HUB.
  2. After walking through the short pedway to HUB keep walking to choose your own adventure. When entering HUB always remember, the West side of the mall is for people walking South and the East side of the mall is used by people walking North.


Option 1: If you need to get to the LRT, be sure to turn to your left (West) after taking your first few steps in HUB.

Option 2: If you want to go to Rutherford Library (North or South), walk about half way through HUB (heading North). At this point you’ll see that the floor starts to slope down like a ramp — turn to your left and walk West. You’ll pass through some seriously large double doors which take you into the Rutherford pedway.

Option 3: If you want to go to the Humanities Centre (HC), walk North until you see some bank machines and a show repair place. This is where you’ll turn right and while walking to the East will pass through some glass doors into the Humanities pedway. You’ll know you’re in the right spot because of the seating and the piano. Follow this pedway East until you pass through a second set of doors which will lead you into the Humanities Centre.

Option 4: If you want to go to Business or Tory, walk all the way to the end of HUB. Like, all the way. Keep walking North until you can’t go any further. At the far Northern end of the mall you’ll be able to enter a set of doors that lead into the pedway to the Tory/Business Atrium. Tory will be to your left (i.e. the north) and Business to your right (i.e. the south).

If you’re looking to go a little further, you can reach Tory Lecture (TL) by heading into the basement of Tory and following the hallway to the Northern end of the building. To your right you’ll se some steps that lead downward — follow these steps and the hallway that they lead to and you will quickly find yourself in the Tory Turtle (i.e. Tory Lecture).

The South Route

(i.e. Ed all the way to the Health Sciences LRT)

For this one, we’ll start off at the Health Sciences/Jubilee LRT platform.

  1. Head inside and up the escalator. On your left are two pedways: one that heads south to the Kaye Edmonton Clinic, and one that heads north to the Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA). You’ll want to take the latter.
  2. You’ll take a left at the end of the pedway. Turn right and swag walk the entirety of ECHA.
  3. At the far north end, turn right to take the pedway to Katz/Medsci.
  4. Turn left at the end of the pedway and head into Katz.
  5. At the far east end of the 2nd floor of Katz you’ll see a bunch of couches. Turn left at the couches and go down the ramp.
  6. Turn right at the elevators and head down the narrow hallway.
  7. Turn left by the bulletin board and take the pedway to Education. They should call this pedway the ‘edway’…or not.

This post is based on an earlier piece called “PED 101: An Introduction to Campus Pedways” which was excellently written by Edward back in 2015.



Hallie Brodie

Issues & Strategic Communications Manager at the University of Alberta.