Quirky Adventure Spots on Campus

By Freya

5 min readOct 10, 2018


When I was little, my dad took my sister and I on a quest to find the dry ice machine in the basement of the Chemistry building. Standing over the cooler of steaming carbon dioxide ice (with a surface temp of -80◦C), I imagined University as a Hogwarts for mad scientists. Considering I am now halfway through my undergrad degree on a campus with a Harry Potter reading room, one could say my dreams have come true.

However, University isn’t all dungeons and dry ice. It’s easy to get caught in the routine of coursework and forget the existence of the world beyond. On a glorious September afternoon when class was cancelled, my friend Manuela and I set out to explore some of the quirky and redeeming features of our campus.

The Observatory

Located on the 5th floor of CCIS, the Physics Department’s observatory is open to the public every Thursday night. Each of their three epic telescopes is usually set to observe a different feature in the sky, from ring nebulas to the full moon. You can also come in the daytime during their scheduled solar observing hours- it comes with a great view of Quad!

The Vault

The Vault is essentially a student playground run by Residence Services in HUB Mall. Located at the bottom of stairwell 9114, The Vault has foosball, air hockey, pool, and ping pong — as well as a TV lounge and piano room. It’s open 24/7 to HUB residents, who are welcome to bring guests. Many other residences on campus offer similar spaces.

The Greenhouse Complex

You can spot the glass roof of the Greenhouse Complex from the North windows of CCIS. Located on the 6th floor of the Bio Sci building, the greenhouse has a bunch of rooms dedicated to different growing climates and they contain the projects students and researchers. Some first year bio courses include a tour of the facilities, or you can stop by from 9am-2:30pm (Monday — Friday), just as long as you respect any closed doors or “no touching” signs that you find.

The Psychology Library

The Smitty Library is a cozy little room in the Psychology Department with some old books and a hidden past (It is in Bio Sci after all). Rumor has it that there was once a newly renovated lab in the room behind the library. When it wasn’t put to use, the room was sealed off, lab and all, with the bookshelves seen above. See for yourself. Or, for another weird piece of history, try following the coffee signs nearby in the Biological Sciences building.

The ALES Atrium

The Agriculture-Forestry building may be the most aesthetically pleasing place to sit on campus. The brand new atrium features sleek tables, solar window panels, and a winding staircase for a minimalistic and serene vibe. The atrium is often busy but there are lots of other herbaceous seating areas like the Ian Morrison Lounge or even the outdoor seating areas that are attached to the building.

The MedSci Common Room & Courtyard

The Medical Sciences building has lots of features that are good for play and health. The 2nd floor has a Student Common Room with a bunch of instruments, a chalkboard, three big leather couches, and a couple game tables — foosball, pool, and ping pong. Just outside the building is the Century of Caring courtyard, a garden commemorating the work of employees of the nearby hospitals and clinics.

The Health Sciences Library

All the rage with its new treadmill desks, the John W. Scott Health Sciences Library is an idyllic study space with florescent lanterns that manage to provide just the right amount of light (i.e. they aren’t too bright). Located on the 2nd floor of the Health Sciences Building, the library has multiple levels and almost too many desks. Think of it as Rutherford’s glamorous 21st century cousin.

What are your favourite quirky adventure spots around campus? Share in the comments!

