Reading Week in the City

By Azra

3 min readFeb 15, 2019


Winter Reading week always falls at the perfect time in the semester for me; it is the point when I am officially tired of the cold, making it the ideal time to take a trip. So for that last few years, I’ve used Winter Reading Week as a chance to take a vacation — somewhere warm! Sadly, this year, going away was not in the cards for me. BUT — I am still going to make the most out of Reading Week and will maximize my relaxation while still in the city! If you’re stuck here with me, here are a few things to do to make the most of your Reading Week close to campus!

Explore Some Local Coffee Shops

I love exploring overpriced local coffee shops when I travel. The trouble is that whenever I visit a “fancy” far away coffee shop, I always lament about what a perfect study spot it would be if only I had my laptop or notes with me.

This year, that changes. I’ve marked out a couple of local coffee shops to check out in the city. I might be at home, but that doesn’t mean I can’t treat myself to one of my vacation guilty pleasures. The bonus of doing it in Edmonton is that I can be productive and get some homework done while I enjoy my fancy coffee!

Make Some Extra Money

This year, I scheduled in a couple extra work shifts at the beginning of the week. “But Azra, you said you were going to relax?!” This might sound weird but after a couple months of school, work almost feels like a break. I like my coworkers and work is much more enjoyable when it is the only thing on your to-do list. Plus, the extra money means more money for a vacation in the summer!

Day Trip, Anyone?

Sometimes, all you really need is a quick change of scenery. Maybe you’re up for a short day trip to Elk Island or Calgary. Calgary is fun because you can drive there, fool around for a few hours and drive back all in the day! Or maybe, you’ll be like me, and run off to the mountains for a couple days. The best thing about these kind of trips is that they are inexpensive and really don’t require much planning! The short spontaneous mountain trips are one of my favorite parts of living in Edmonton.

Relax and Read a Book

I like to turn off my social media for a day and forget about all the adventures my social media peeps are up to … and I replace my phone with a good book. Firstly, this gives me a nice break from my phone while still allowing me to lay around. Secondly, reading always takes a backseat when I’m in the swing of school. It’s going to be nice to just take some time and dive into another world. Not sure what to read? Check out this post or this post.

Enjoy Some Winter Activities in Edmonton (Go Skating/ Skiing/ Ice Castles)!

While we never know when winter is going to end in Edmonton, it’s safe to say that winter is going to come to an end at some point soon. Reading week gives us that extra minute to go do some fun winter activities. There’s always the option of skiing or skating in the city. If the weather is nice enough, you can even go for a leisurely stroll. I’m personally planning to finally check out the ice castle!

So to all my peeps out there that are also spending their Reading Week in Edmonton, I hope you steal some of my ideas and have a great time!

