Show Time: A Recap of the Orchesis Dance Motif Performances

By Erin

4 min readJan 29, 2014


This year I was lucky enough to be a part of Orchesis Dance Group’s Dance Motif show. In my last post, I talked a bit about what it was like to rehearse with Orchesis, and what the experience was like for my choreographer, Andrea. Now that the curtains closed, I want to give you a behind-the-scenes peek at Dance Motif 2014.

As a first year dancer, I wasn’t too sure what to expect come show week, but I was pleased to find out that, although it was a week full of hard work, it was also a week full of fun, support, and of course, dance! Colloquially known as “Tech Week”, Orchesis dancers spend the entire week leading up to the show preparing for the big night. It is truly amazing how much attention to detail, effort, and passion go into the creation of the show. Here’s a look a the week from start to finish:

We spent the week preparing to take the Myer Horowitz stage. It was really exciting to know that, although we spent the first few days practicing in front of an empty audience, come Friday and Saturday night, we would have a full audience!

Light and Space

Choreographers and Myer Horowitz staff worked tirelessly to create the perfect ambience and accents for each performance. I was amazed to see how much thought and detail goes into the lighting of each piece, and how important the lighting ends up being to create the aesthetic of each piece.

Dance Volunteers @ UAlberta

Although dancers were busy rehearsing every night during tech week, many of they still volunteered their time to help sell tickets and prepare for the show. The performers all care so much about the show, and that inspires them to commit their time and energy to preparing for the big night!

Costume Fitting - Orchasis

Costumes were artfully designed and crafted for each piece by Orchesis’ very talented costume coordinator. Costumes ranged from simple shirt-and-pants combos to elaborate tutus. Orchesis director Tamara makes a quick adjustment to Nicole’s costume before a rehearsal.

Back Stage UAlberta Dance

Backstage, dancers are constantly helping each other with quick costume changes, hair, and make-up. It’s really cool to see how everybody is so committed to lending a helping hand and making sure each show runs smoothly.

Dance Rehearsal at UAlberta

Each night, the dancers had a meeting where they worked collaboratively to solve problems, offer encouragement, and share information about the upcoming show.

Audience Myer Horowitz Theatre

The audience gathered on Friday night, ready to enjoy Dance Motif 2014.

Fury Dance
Everyone Dance
Blowing in the Wind Dance

Each dance was artfully choreographed, costumed, and designed. You could tell the dancers really put their all into their dances, because they audience was left mesmerized by each performance.

Celebrating Back Stage

Two dancers celebrate their successful performance in their dressing room. Each of the dance pieces in Dance Motif 2014 turned out fabulously, and the dancers, choreographers, and tech staff all certainly have something to be proud of!

This year’s show was a huge success! Dancers are already looking forward to next year’s Dance Motif, where they will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the show with a gala and special guest choreographers!

For more information about Orchesis or Dance Motif, click here!

