After Vacation Blues

Getting back into your healthy routine

Esther Mehesz
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2018


Once your trip is winding down, make sure that you make a conscious effort to get back to your old healthy habits. It is easy to let the vacation mode take over and continue that carefree behavior you had earlier influencing the quality and quantity of your work.

To get back on track:


Get back to your daily moving whether that be a workout routine, your favorite type of exercise or an afternoon walk.


Head to the grocery store for some fresh fruits and vegetables rather than relying on leftovers and the remaining snacks that you find throughout the house.


Rather than being upset that you are back from vacation, rely on the good memories that you had a chance to make during your time! They’ll lift your spirits even when you have the vacation after blues.

By taking these small steps once you’re back from vacation will help you switch back to where you were before you left!

What NOT to do when you’ve fallen off path and are trying to get back on path

❌ Fast or skip your next meal

❌ Exercise really hard to “make up for it”

❌ Try to “detox”

❌ Say “screw it!” — don’t let one off meal turn into an off day/week/month

❌ Label foods as good vs. bad

❌ Under eat during the day

❌ Suffer in silence if you’re struggling

Read a little more on how to get back on path after a vacation!

Hope you had a great vacation! Don’t worry all your progress has not been lost. It simply takes a little time to get back into the swing of things!



Esther Mehesz

Retired college athlete, living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while still eating dessert, and using the Ate app to stay on track