Food and its affect on your mood

Esther Mehesz


Health is mental physical and emotional. Make sure your mental health is in order, but remember that food can play an important role in your mental health.

Food can help you “feel good”, based on…

How often you eat

It’s not only the food that helps but also how often you eat. Have you noticed a pattern of when you eat and the consistency between the times that you eat? You may have a schedule due to work, but sometimes that schedule remains the same during the weekend even with all your activities as you are used to eating at a specific time and interval.

Make sure to adhere to a schedule that works for you and listen to your hunger cues! If you are hungry eat, if not wait a little later when you start getting hungry. Don’t wait until you are starving.

What you eat

Certain foods have vitamins and nutrients that can lift your mood! They can help keep your blood sugar steady, they help boost your mental focus, decrease inflammation, improve your circulation and can contribute to many more positive affects!

What are the best foods to help your mood?

  • Walnuts
  • Kale
  • Oysters
  • Coffee
  • Dark Chocolate

How hydrated you are

When you are hydrated it makes it easier to concentrate and think clearly. Even being a little dehydrated can affect your mood and can reduce your reaction time, your learning, reasoning, and memory! When in doubt carry water with yourself to stay hydrated throughout the day! Why water?

  • Water is a healthy option
  • Tea, coffee, juices and smoothies all can contain sugar and caffeine that can affect your mood

When in doubt stick with water!



Esther Mehesz

Retired college athlete, living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while still eating dessert, and using the Ate app to stay on track