From the sugar high to the sugar low

And the foods that can make you feel “shitty”

Esther Mehesz
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2018


Mood-killing foods are those with refined carbs and added sugars. They are everywhere in the store and are hard to beat!

In case you need a reminder these include…

  • junk foods
  • candy
  • soda
  • fruit juice
  • syrups
  • jams
  • white bread
  • many crackers

These foods make your blood sugar rise drastically and then fall quickly. Although they may help to satisfy your taste buds whether that be when you are craving something sweet or something salty, these foods are not likely to help your mood.

Why is this?

When your blood sugar spikes and then quickly drops you experience a quick burst of energy followed by the feeling of tiredness and can occasionally be hand-in-hand with feeling: cranky, hungry, irritable, fatigue, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, or even a headache coming on.

You need sugar to function but you need the amount that allows you stay consistent without the spikes and crashes. To avoid spikes and crashes eat meals with protein, vegetables, and complex carbs and when you do have a treat occasionally, eat them in moderation!

How to get yourself out of a sugar crash?

Eat balanced meals throughout the day and rely on a healthy simple carbohydrate (apple or banana) which can absorb quickly into your blood stream and give you just the right amount of sugar without having to experience the ups and downs of sugar.

Don’t forget about the sugar you eat throughout the day!

Coffee with sugar? A little sweet snack after lunch? Candy jar on the counter? Someones birthday in the office? Remember all these add up! Read more to see if you eat more sugar than the average recommended daily intake!



Esther Mehesz

Retired college athlete, living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while still eating dessert, and using the Ate app to stay on track