Unsplash — Alexa Williams

Goal Setting

Esther Mehesz
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2022


Goal setting strategy is an action a person makes to help identify a specific idea or behavior that is desired, a roadmap on how to get to that intended destination. This is a mental representation of the outcome that is desired and how it is determined on how the outcome will be achieved.

Sustainability starts small and can lead into lifelong habits.

Where to Begin

It all starts with some brainstorming, getting it all out on paper. No idea is too wild.

From here get real, what is the starting point and what feels like an easy first step. Prioritize in order of easiest and most meaningful to one self. Maybe this is just making a list for now, or adding one small step into the normal daily routine.

Once one feels like they have an intention or general direction, do a little exploring.

There is no shame in testing out what feels right and adjusting until being able to find what is best.

Bring a little fun and enjoyment into these intentions. When the focus is on what is liked it makes it easier to find success and stick to desired outcomes.

Different Kinds of Goals

Performance goals are when one focuses on judging their own abilities and how well xyz is performed.

Mastery goals are centered around learning more about one’s self, skills and existing abilities, what can be learned during this process, how can one’s curiosity guide habits.


A general goal one may have, “I want to eat healthier”

Make that more specific, “I will eat 1 orange (my favorite fruit) for a midmorning snack during my work days for 2 weeks”

Now what? Thats it! See how it goes, what success or barriers came up during the experimentation. From there adjust and see what sticks best.


Really find something that’s motivating.

This can be hard but doing some self reflecting can help make things more clear. Choose something that resonates strongly with one’s own unique individuality. No need to use someone else’s pressure or ideas of “why you should…”

Motivations can come from all different angles and only need to make sense to the individual. What brings that spark, or excitement into life, how can this be used to guide one’s path.

Set SMART Goals

Specific — best goals are very specific and narrow, this will help with planning and can always be added on later or used to create another one.

Measurable — define this for one’s self on how it can be used to measure progress. It can be numerical, but there is always the opportunity to be creative too.

Attainable — make sure it can be reasonably accomplished within the time frame. If it seems too overwhelming scale back to what feels comfortable.

Relevant — align the goals with personal values and long term objectives.

Time — choose a time frame for one’s own self. Long enough that it is realistic and short enough to keep the attention focused.


Celebrating success helps to give back to one’s self. This allows one to close the goal and feel good about their achievements.

When success are not celebrated, hard work can be forgotten through the lack of acknowledgement. Celebrations can be unique to each and every individual and big or small. Finding something that aligns with one’s values is the most helpful. Start with even a smile to acknowledge that it’s been done!

Celebrating success helps to reinforce efforts, builds confidence in skills as well as creates mastery experiences. When acknowledging where one was successful, it reminds them that it is possible to be successful again and to keep going forward. Celebrations also bring enjoyment into behavior changes. Finding joy is the most important aspect as that helps mental health and benefits living to be one’s best self.

Final Tips

  • Get specific.
  • Be honest on what is attainable for one’s self in this very moment.
  • Start small.. really really small. Then add upon to the successes.
  • Celebrate wins, these were achieved with one’s own hard work!
  • Try making a smart goal or journalling about what is desired both in the present and the future
  • Ditch the negative self doubts, there is so much power and potential within one’s self. Act on inner intentions, starting can be the hardest part.
  • Get accountable or find individual’s who can help support in this journey.



Esther Mehesz

Retired college athlete, living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while still eating dessert, and using the Ate app to stay on track