Image: Pexels — Igor Korzh

Making Self-Care A Priority

Esther Mehesz
Published in
4 min readAug 29, 2022


September is self-care awareness month. Not only is September a month of getting back into the flow of work or the school year after summer. Along with new habits and beginnings can come stress, worry or being just plain busy. This is where self-care awareness can be an extremely helpful tool. Acknowledging when you need some self-care can be hard to manage during hectic times, ironically this is the best time to implement self-care.

By finding a routine or being aware of what types of self-care suits you best, you can prevent the over exhaustion or burn out that comes along. Some people find taking mindful moments or personal check-in throughout the day can be a way to become more in tune with themselves and how they are coping with stressors.

“Self-care was not clearly defined until the late 20th century, when the ability to provide care for oneself gained recognition and started to take precedence as chronic disease increased” (Martínez et al., 2021). Self-care as a concept involves being attune to the body and the balancing of lifestyle habits as well as coping with stressors.

The US culture puts a large value on work life and fast paced environments geared towards career oriented success. Within this cultural environment there is little room to slow down and take time to balance the nervous system, leading to chronically induced stress that can manifest into chronic disease. “The elusive and complex phenomenon of self-care is reflective of the confusion around the integration of the terms: symptom management, self-efficacy, self-management, and self-monitoring…the concept of self-care has also been related to broader notions of autonomy, responsibility, and self-direction” (Martínez et al., 2021).

Placing a higher value on self-care can help to give the body the rest or rejuvenation it needs to continue in other pursuits such as career or habit attainment. Cultivating autonomy and responsibility from self-care maintenance can trickle into the other aspects of a person’s life and support work-life balance. Continuous stressors without balance can lead to a faster burnout rate.

Look for balance in all things you do to reduce the chances of burnout. Image: Pexels — Karolina Grabowska


Stress affects the nervous system and tightness in breathing, increases blood pressure and can put a person’s mood into a more tense environment. Ways to cope or self soothe in the moments of stress can include breathing practices as simple as focusing on deep breathing and calming the nervous system. Each person experiences stressors and can have a range of reactions. Choosing to engage in calming practices can help to bring more clarity to the mind and the situation.

If one is experiencing stress from trying to create a new habit, self compassion exercises can feel soothing and stabilizing. Placing one hand over your heart can help to center, soothe and bring you back to your breath. Compassion is an attribute that is beneficial for mental, physical and social health. When a person shows themselves compassion as well, it can be a very meaningful and liberating experience.

Self-Care Routine

Setting up a self-care practice or routine can be a way to cope, prevent and manage stressors in a proactive way. Finding what works best can be a fun exploration. Some people enjoy feelings of luxuriating or pampering themselves while others enjoy social company or perhaps quiet time with themselves.

Calming activities can be reading a book, spending time in nature or journaling. Gratitude journaling has been shown to be beneficial for mental health and stress reduction, “keeping a journal of all that is good in one’s life will boost your mood and increase productivity” (Kelly, 2016). Whichever way a person chooses to engage in self care practices, can be beneficial for lifestyle balance leading to a positive health outcome and reduced risk for chronic stress and disease.

Self-Care Tips:

  • Start a Gratitude Journal
  • Schedule for a Pamper Night
  • Remind Yourself: It’s Okay to Not be Okay
  • Make Time to do Something You Enjoy
  • Read a Book about Self-Care
  • Meditate to Clear Your Mind
  • Forgive Yourself When Things Go Wrong
  • Say Kind Things to Yourself

Overall, placing a higher value on self care can help to give the body the rest or rejuvenation it needs to continue in other pursuits such as career or habit attainment. Cultivating autonomy and responsibility from self care maintenance can trickle into the other aspects of a person’s life and support work-life balance. Continuous stressors without balance can lead to a faster burnout rate.

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Kelly J. D., 4th (2016). Your Best Life: Breaking the Cycle: The Power of Gratitude. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 474(12), 2594–2597.

Komase, Y., Watanabe, K., Hori, D., Nozawa, K., Hidaka, Y., Iida, M., Imamura, K., & Kawakami, N. (2021). Effects of gratitude intervention on mental health and well-being among workers: A systematic review. Journal of occupational health, 63(1), e12290.

Martínez, N., Connelly, C. D., Pérez, A., & Calero, P. (2021). Self-care: A concept analysis. International journal of nursing sciences, 8(4), 418–425.



Esther Mehesz

Retired college athlete, living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while still eating dessert, and using the Ate app to stay on track