Mark Zuckerberg’s thoughts on growth hacking “The Facebook” in 2005

Sarah Nadav
YouCan Startup
Published in
1 min readApr 11, 2016

The Question: How did Mark Zuckerberg growth hack Facebook into the world’s largest social network?

The Answer: He didn’t.

In his words: “The goal, when we went into it, wasn’t to make an online community- it was to make a mirror for the real community that existed in real life… A lot of people are focused on taking over the world, or doing the biggest thing and getting the most users, and I think that part of making a difference- and making something cool is focusing intensely.”

Sarah Nadav, CEO Civilize .

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Sarah Nadav
YouCan Startup

Behavioral Economist, Corporate Storyteller, Fintech Entrepreneur, Journalist, World Economic Forum Expert Network