Seamless Payment system for Schools & Colleges

Belazy XYZ
you can BE LAZY
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2020

June month is the beautiful month for #YouCanBeLazy.

Balaji Tech Solutions ( came with the idea to provide the online payment system for schools & colleges to collect their Student’s term fees online.

We built the Simplified web application along with the payment gateway integration to solve their requirements.



The idea is to give the solution with simplified UI & UX to give the smooth experience to the PARENTS. The target audiences are mostly from Lower-Middle and Middle-Upper class parents of different schools and colleges in and around Chennai city.

The UX starts with the landing page, where the system will collect the Student’s unique role number and the school id.

The next page will show the parents about the paid & un-paid fees details. From there the parent can select the un-paid fee detail and click PAY…

This will redirect the parent to the payment gateway which the school preferred. After payment….

That’s it, the parent can take the receipt printout immediately.


The system is built for multiple payment gateway integrations. If the school prefer the different payment system, they can. If they don’t have anything, the default Payment Gateway can be enabled.

The development time to integrate the new payment gateway will be 10hours of effort.

The another major integration is, the communication between Balaji Tech Solutions’ ERP system.

This payment portal comes up with REST API to add students and get the payment reports. The initial target customers are the Subscribers of Balaji Tech Solutions’s School/College Management System which is running on a Windows machine (offline). This can talk to the payment portal.

Branding & Marketing

The #YouCanBeLazy team also come up with the initial level marketing materials to promote, Balaji Tech Solution’s fees payment portal concepts.

This advertisement has been created to promote on Instagram and Facebook.


Thanks for the Balaji Tech Solutions, to provide such a great opportunity for the community to develop the wonderful application for the world.

