Which Tech Giant Is Likely To Fall First?

Let’s dive deeper into the FAAMG list to see who’s immune and who’s not

Richard Fang
CornerTech and Marketing


Photo by Ales Nesetril on Unsplash

There is no doubt with the recent events across the world, the technology giants have emerged to be some of the most valuable companies in the world. These include companies like Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google (Alphabet).

The so-called FAAMG (Instead of Netflix, it is replaced with Microsoft) club accounts for nearly 6.6 Trillion dollars of market capitalization (as of July 23). To put it in perspective, these five companies account for almost a quarter of the entire market capitalization of the S&P 500.

Even at enormous sizes, we’ve seen big companies fall for a variety of reasons, including bankruptcy to hostile takeovers (e.g., Compaq and HP).

As Jeff Bezos stated himself, even at Amazon’s size, he foresees that even one day perhaps in the future, Amazon will inevitably fall as well.

“Amazon is not too big to fail,” Bezos said, in a recording of the meeting that CNBC has heard. “In fact, I predict one day Amazon will fail. Amazon will go bankrupt. If you look at large companies, their lifespans tend to…

