Being Awkward Is the New Normal

Small talk can go a long way.

Brandon Bell
Published in
6 min readMar 15, 2021


Photo by Vanessa Kintaudi on Unsplash

Understanding yourself.

One of the most common questions asked when you meet someone new is whether if you’re an introvert or an extrovert. Take a minute to really think about which one you are. No matter how you describe yourself on the spectrum having good people skills is important.

As you start to experience more difficult situations in your life, you may come to a realization that you may have no one to talk to or you don’t know how to express how you’re feeling to someone. These kinds of skills take work and whether you like it or not some people are naturally good with people.

It may seem a little unfair but that just happens to be their talent. You can learn from these people though, they may do something that’s second-hand nature to them but you may see it as something very valuable.

Take some time to practice your people skills and figure out how it could really benefit your life. Some of the people who you admire the most probably have good people skills. Whether if it’s through music, sports, or just a one on one level they have what it takes to make someone smile.



Brandon Bell

A young adult who’s writing is geared towards self-improvement and self care. “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”