Yasmin McNeill
Published in
Mar 3, 2021

How do you get your point across in 150 words or less?

For many of us, this is no easy feat — the English language as we know it today is a complex mix of jargon, dialect and influence from all around the world. The number of words currently in active use (not obsolete or archaic) in the Oxford English Dictionary today totals just over 170,000.

It’s no wonder that many of us struggle with using words alone to convey our messages. For example, a quick Google search told me there are over 350 synonyms for the word ‘good’ in the English language. According to my calculations, that’s 0.2% of the dictionary and a lot of positivity.

What’s my point? You don’t have to rely on words as your only communicator… But you can learn more about how to do the other bits on YouMeUs!

@charissek via Unsplash
Yasmin McNeill
Editor for

A lover of pinot noir, puzzles and poetry. Editor for medium.com/youmeus — the publication dedicated to sharpening your communication skills.