
What I Learned by Watching Cinderella

Turns out, teaching kids to be nice people is not so complicated.

Will Offen
Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2021


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Ok, why is a seventy something man character like me watching a romantic film about a mistreated teenager?

I would like to say there was some higher motive, but I have to admit, it was more to do with lockdown and boredom, a bottle of red, and a roaring wood fire on a cold day.

Well, that’s how it started out. It finished though, in a revelation!

Please bear with me while I explain?

It’s all to do with our first seven years.

Give me a child for 7 years and I’ll give you the man.


You see, I’ve been teaching people to communicate for several decades, mostly for business purposes. However, effective communication in business relies on the same practises as personal and I use situations and examples from both to make my points.

A communication strategy used with those you love, can be just as effective with those you lead, for example.

A major centric for both of course, is attitude. The way we treat others and communicate with them, relies heavily on the kind of…



Will Offen

Writer & Coach of Communication for Sales and Leadership. Editor of Youmeus, dedicated to Human Interaction. Find his courses & coaching here: