
Your life is Full of People

Youmeus is a publication to help them see the best of you, and you the best of them.

Will Offen
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2020


Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

Welcome to Youmeus, a publication dedicated to helping you be your most successful with people!

There’s no doubt that people are intrinsic to our success in life. But let’s be honest, dealing with people is not easy, is it?

We have to interact with an array of different people in any number of differing circumstances every day, and getting it right relies on so many elements. Attitude, emotion, knowledge, language, patience, awareness, focus, understanding and commitment, that’s just for starters.

So, it’s not surprising, most of us have some kind of communication breakdown or challenge most days, and why we’re left confused and wondering, “what just happened”, when it goes wrong.

What is surprising though, is that something so complex and vital to our life’s success, gets so little structured learning attention.

Which is why we opened Youmeus.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller



Will Offen

Writer & Coach of Communication for Sales and Leadership. Editor of Youmeus, dedicated to Human Interaction. Find his courses & coaching here: