I Didn’t Know I Was Lonely, Till I Moved in With my Little Brother

Now I never ever want to leave…

Isla Orange
4 min readMay 5, 2022


Photo by Vlada Karpovich

For what feels like forever I’ve been working two jobs.
I didn’t think twice about it… I just, you know, did? I started working in hospitality in an Indian restaurant before I turned 18 and could serve alcohol. This pretty naturally progressed into bar work as I got older and had more freedom.

I could afford my mini apartment, which all I really did in it was sleep and cuddle Simon, my kitty.

I had time to just be and get to know myself. Which also happened during work. Something happened recently, I turned 30, in March. I didn’t think much of it and went on a semi-casual beach trip with a few buddies. Age never bothered me. It just, is.

“To the outside world, we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were, we know each other’s hearts, we share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys.”
— Clara Ortega

The excuse that changed me

The excuse I made was — I’m saving obsessively to have enough to not only pay for a whole nursing diploma BUT also, be able to throw myself into my study fully and… quit both jobs. I know. I know…Big jumps.
But trust me, High hopes get me through!!

With all this work and pitiable social life, I convinced myself that moving was NOT an option. This was the bad decision.

Why couldn’t I just shh and accept help?

This was till my brother suggested for the hundredth time-
I move into a house with him and his long-term girlfriend.

It would save us both a tonne of money they said.”
“We’d share the load of household stuff”
“You could start your diploma sooner!”

I thought not having to rely on others was more sensible. I was staying in two jobs working myself to exhaustion, every day, alone. Why didn’t I feel lonely? Because I didn’t have time to be…

The move

Last month, I caved. I gave up arguing with my hardworking wonderful little brother and moved in with them. Thanks to their kindness and efficient help I was able to let go of one job.

I moved in with them and it was the best decision I’ve made in the longest time.

My brother and adopted sister cook me breakfast before they go off to work.

They help me remember to feed Simon, to pay bills. It’s a huge relief to not only have others to help me get through life but also feel so so so much less isolated.

We are together in this world. Siblings against the world. I don’t know what I did without you bro. Thank you from the bottom of my unenlightened soul for promising me the best and taking care of your workaholic big sis… You sir are a gem beyond all and I can’t wait for you to marry the incredible woman by your side…

Even if that means you kick me out ;)

But, just not too soon hey?

“Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life.”
— Unknown

Photo by Artem Beliaikin:

This story was prompted by Bridie’s Prompt On Younessness:

When have excuses you made, resulted in bad decisions?

Can’t wait for the next one, my quirky Mum friend!

Thanks, lady for giving me this push to write. I’ve been so exhausted lately. Lots of love to you girl! ❤

Excuse: I was too busy to move house. The bad decision? Staying in an exhausting job way longer than I needed to…

By Isla Orange.
I usually write fiction!! But have been crazy busy moving house and changing the entire velocity of my life. So.. follow me and subscribe to keep up with my work when it’s ready for your eyes!




Isla Orange

Fiction Writer 🌙 Manifester 🌙 | Swimmer | Gamer | Occasional Poet and Courage collector ;)