It’s Not That I Don’t Care, I Don’t Have The Capacity

Let me have my first world problems – one invisible person to another

Bridie Dillon


Image by Wolfgang Hasselmann

Yes, among us in 2022 is a life harrowing, scary, uncertain.

Yes, a threatening war rages.

Yes, rampant virus mutations alter our new normal.

Yes, animals are going extinct.

Yes, The climate is collapsing from generations of mistreatment.

No, I’m not trying to minimise these real f*cking problems.

Nor am I saying I don’t care about these enormous issues.

I do.
But if all we did was lay around and post our desperate prayers/cares on the internet. What would that accomplish?

Is there an unwritten rule saying we can’t express personal problems in the face of global tragedy?

Why give those who need help more reason to mistrust the world around them?

Loneliness is a pandemic.

Exiling people for having problems that aren’t widespread is harmful.

First world problems are all we have.

Let us have them.



Bridie Dillon

Mum to two 👩‍👧‍👧All I really do is read