Justin Tat-Ko
1 min readDec 6, 2017

50th Anniversary of the Heart Transplant

The 50th anniversary of the first heart transplant, performed by Dr. Christiaan Barnard in Cape Town, South Africa, took place on Dec. 3. Following this initial success in 1967, many programs soon abandoned heart transplantation because the risk of rejection was too great. Heart transplantation began to increase in the late 1970s with the discovery of better immunosuppression. London’s transplant program remained at the leading-edge by gaining quick access to the newest anti-rejection drug, cyclosporine.

LHSC’s first heart transplant was performed in April, 1981 under the direction of surgeon Dr. Neil McKenzie and cardiologist Dr. Bill Kostuk. This was also the first heart transplant done in Ontario. For many years, patients came from across Canada to be transplanted at our program. We have performed almost 700 heart transplants — more than any other Canadian centre. Some of our earliest patients are the longest-surviving heart transplant recipients in Canada and worldwide, celebrating 35years of healthy life.

Congratulations to the heart transplant team for continuing to improve the care of patients with advanced heart disease through transplantation, mechanical support, and innovative therapies.

Credits to Cate Abbott, Transplant Research & Program Communications Associate