Go the f*@! to sleep! - By Tyler

Tyler James C. Elmes
Young and in London
1 min readJun 26, 2016

I used to be the teen who would stay up until the crack of dawn, and have my mother yell at me when I was late for school. I would then return from school, take a nap and the cycle continued.

Since leaving home at the age of 16, I’ve learned a lot of things. But one of the most important things that I have learned, is that your sleep patterns need to be good in order to be healthy in other aspects of your life.

I went from staying up until 3 or 4 watching YouTube videos of cats, to having a pretty strict routine for myself.

I shower at 9:30pm and make sure I’m in my PJs having my snack and water by 10:10. I then have enough time to either watch one show on Netflix, or spend time on my phone. At 10:55 I take my meds and turn out the lights. At exactly 11pm I am under my blanket in bed settling down for the night.

I have found that with this routine, it is SO MUCH EASIER for me to get out of bed in the morning, and I wake up so refreshed.

Take it from me when I say :

“Your parents do know what they’re talking about sometimes!”

I won’t even say go to bed earlier, but just try and make sure that it is the same time every day, and make a routine of it. Your body will thank you!

