Is Bigger Better??? (Part 1)

Justin Tat-Ko
Young and in London
2 min readNov 28, 2017

Do you think bigger is better? In each installment of this series, we will focus on the pros and cons of a specific topic.

  1. Houses

Everyone fantasizes about owning their own private mansion, but what are the pros and cons to this?


  • You’ll never run out of space (unless you live with 10 other people and you’re all hoarders)
  • You can have your own library, gym, swimming pool, movie theater, you name it
  • There’ll always be a free room available for visiting guests or family members
  • If you have a green-thumb, think about expanding your garden area
  • Bragging rights- You can now show off to all your friends and family members that you’re part of the 1%


  • Massive utility costs-You’ll need to keep the heat on during the winter, and the bigger the house, the bigger the cost
  • Cleaning — Mansions aren’t cockroach and mice resistant
  • With such a large house, you should think about investing in a segway, or expect to do a lot of walking otherwise

