Millenials: A Code, A Challenge, A Generation

Who are Millennials?

Alex Lau
Young and in London
2 min readMar 1, 2017


Commonly referred to as Generation Y, Millennials refer to a generation of those born between 1980's and early 2000's. Millennials live in an era of advancing technology, rapid growth and innovation. They have been characterized in many different ways, and the label often spurs debate among individuals with different opinions. Here are some of the interesting facts about Millennials that you may not have heard about.

Interesting facts about Millennials

  • They have the highest number of facebook friends
  • $1 trillion in student debt [Bloomberg]
  • 45% believe a decent paying job is a privilege [Telefonica]

Are Millennials Good or Bad?

The councilors at LYAC sat down and recalled their different experiences with the label. They mentioned that some descriptions they have been associated with were positive. This includes being referred to as technologically adaptable, innovative, and more open to equality. Some aren’t as pleasant, and include negative descriptions including being entitled, often seeking “instant gratification” and narcissistic. Regardless of the different connotations attached to the label, Millennials are often posited to be a code to be cracked, an enigma to solve. They are far more complicated than what the superficial stereotypes reveal about them.

Why classify people as Millennials?

Putting a generation of people into broad cohorts with specific labels have been in practice for a long time. However, what is the utility of using generation as a metric? The group shared their thoughts on the matter. They suggested that classifications with generation aid in observing trends in demographic information and can be useful for prediction of future environments. However, there are some down-sides to this as well. Placing too much focus on subjective characteristics and classifying everyone under an umbrella term can remove an individual’s identity. There are also natural variability in the way we all act, think and ultimately function as a different individual. It is also important to note that with the advent of technology and rapid growth in recent years, gaps are shortened and it is harder to make defined boundaries between generations. Although there are limitations to using generation as a metric, the group acknowledges its overall value in many areas and its applications.

So next time you hear the term Millennials, what are you going to think?

