He Broke It but Won’t Fix It

Joseph Kitchen
Young Democrats of Maryland
2 min readJan 22, 2018

Imagine breaking your window in the summer. Because it is warm outside you promise your family that you will work with them to get it fixed by winter. Winter is now here and despite the fact that you broke the window and you have done little to actually get it fixed, you blame your family because it is cold inside. That is in effect what Donald Trump did with regards to DACA. I am proud of Senator Ben Cardin and Senator Van Hollen for standing up for these young people and you should be too.

For every Republican taking to the media to say that the DACA issue is not an emergency that needs to be resolved now since the entire program doesn’t expire under the Trump order until March, they are wrong. Every day one hundred and twenty new undocumented young people lose their DACA protection. When that happens, even though the program does not expire until March, they become deportable. Furthermore, how do you plan your life if you do not know if Congress will or will not act to protect your status? This is a crisis Donald Trump created, one he can fix, but until he does Democrats should continue to hold the line and we will have their backs.

In this age of hyper-partisanship it is important to ensure the American people know who caused this shutdown but also that both of our defenders in the Senate know we support them. You can help by thanking @ChrisVanHollenand @SenatorCardin for their steadfastness during this #TrumpShutdown.

