The Fellas at Hampshire County Jail after last week’s rehearsal. Back row L-R: Daniel, Steve, Casey, Tony, Adam, Danny. Front row L-R: Sherod, Nelson, Chris

86 year old Steve Martin makes an impact in prison

Mark Guglielmo
Young@Heart Prison Project
2 min readMar 17, 2015


“Oh, my gosh! Has it been so long? It’s almost 10 years since the Young@Heart Chorus performed at the Hampshire County Correctional Facility.

What can I remember? Arriving on a school bus, going through security. Can we all fit in the “Pass through Room,” one door at a time opens, closes and opens. A bright, sunny, warm day. A courtyard setting and a grassy knoll. The band sets up, the chorus vocalizes and we do a run through, adjusting the sound system.

Here they come, some sit, others stand. Quizzical faces looking at an old folks, grey headed chorus. Before the first song ended I notice facial signs of appreciation. The concert ends and inmates and chorus members walk toward each other with smiles, laughter, praise, hi fives, hand slaps and ‘Thank You’s”, embraces and, “When are you coming back?”

Now we’re back! In the HCF we have a different venue and we’re also introducing the program to the Women’s Jail in Chicopee. This is really different! We will start choruses in both facilities. Through the Correctional Staff, the inmates are introduced to the program, they view the Young@Heart film and volunteer for their respective chorus.

Young@Heart personnel sign on as volunteers headed up by; Bob Cilman, Director, Mark Guglielmo “Man Friday”, Ken Maiuri, “Pianist Extraordinaire”, and Y@H Chorus members, all of whom go through registration and orientation. Y@H Members meet with the inmates, get acquainted, and discuss the program. We talk it out! What songs do you like? Who are your favorite singers? We’re in a room, facing each other and I am reading faces, body language, and listen to what is being said. As I look across the room I wonder what they think about the program and us. Will we be accepted as well as that first concert years ago? There is a wait and see attitude and we talk and you sense it’s going to work and be good.

As each week goes by rehearsals are more relaxed, the songs begin to shape up, rhythms lock in with clearer voices, solo’s, duets, multi voice solo’s, and you watch the emergence of a chorus. Rehearsals end with smiles, laughter, hand slaps, and fist bumps. You hear, “are you coming next week? See you then.” Bring on the concerts! — I can’t wait!

Together we have a created a social sisterhood and brotherhood. Through music, we have overcome all barriers.”

— Steve Martin, 86 years old, Young@Heart Chorus member since 2000

