
Young Joy
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2021

Vishwamitra gave his blessings heartily for the union to happen. Rama was jubilious as well, seeing his soon to be wife Sita. There was no match more perfect on this earth. Janaka proposed to send his envoys in high speed to deliver the message to Dasharatha. Vishwamitra gave his consent and soon the good news was dispatched to Ayodhya. Dasharatha overcome with joy immediately consulted his priests. His councillors and priests affirmed Sita would be a suitable match for Rama. Withought delay the king and all his wives set out to Mithila. There was great excitement all through Mithila. Janaka welcomed Dasharatha with reverence and respect. Dasharatha was honoured by the king’s effort and was eager to celebrate the wedding. Janaka discussed wedding arrangements with his ministers and courtiers. The next day the two families sat down at the grand hall to follow the rituals and religious steps taken before marriage. Vasishta spoke for the Groom’s side. He began to recite the names of Rama’s forefathers and ancestors of the Ishvaku dynasty. “At the beginning of creation, the only being present was Bramha eternal and immortal. Sage Marichi was his mind born son. Marichi’s son was Kahyapa. Kashyapas’s son was Vishwan and his son was Manu. He was the first scion of Ishvaku and his descendants were all great rulers-Kuski,vikushi,Bana,Anarayana,Prithu,Trikanshu,Dhundhumara,Yuvanashiva, Mandhata, Susandhi, Dhruvasandhi and The great Bharata. His son was was Asita. His wife’s son was Sagara, his son was Asamanja, his son Anushman and his decendents Dilpa, Bhangiratha, Kakutstha and Raghu. His son Pravriddha turned into the ogre Kalmashapada. Pravriddha’s descendants were Shankhan, Sudarshana, Agnivarna, Shighraga, Maru, Prasuhsruka, Ambarisha, Nahusha, Yayati, Nahaga, and Aja. Aja’s son was Dasharatha. His son now Sri Rama.” Janaka then stood up announcing the kings who have come before Sita “ It began with the great king Nimi, his son was called Mithi and his son was the first Janaka. His decendents were Udavasu, Nandivardhana, Suketu, Devaraata, Brihadratha, Mahavira, Sudhriti, Dheistaketu, Haryashwa, Maru, Pratindhaka, Kirtiratha, Devamidha, Vibudha, Mahidhraka, Kirtiraata, Maharoma, Swarnaroma and Hraswaroma. Hraswaroma had two sons- myself and my brother Kushadhwaja, who was lest to my care after the death of our father. Years later I defeated Sudhavana as he attacked Mithila for Sita and The great bow of Shiva. I now offer my two daughters Sita to Rama and Urmila to Lakshmana. The daughters of my brother will be brides for Bharata and Shatruguna.” Vashishta gave his consent and presided over the sacrifice and the 4 princesses married the princes of Ayodhya in grand splendour. The kings gave away Lakhs of gifts and there was celebration in every corner of the kingdom. The world rejoiced at the union.

