
Young Joy
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2021

Tea Day! There is nothing better than sipping hot tea on a cold winter day but did you know? Tea also has some interesting facts and history! Read on to find out more.

15th December is observed as International tea day in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Uganda, India and Tanzania!

The UN celebrates it on May 21st because the season of tea production begins in May!

Tea is the second most popular drink after water!

Tea originated from northeast India, north Myanmar and southwest China.

There is proof that the Chinese had drunk tea 5,000 years ago!

Tea is a beverage made from the Camellia sinesis plant!

History of Tea!

The Chinese Emperor Shennong accidentally created tea! He was boiling some water when some tea leaves fell into it, the emperor was surprised because it was very soothing. Before this tea leaves were chewed for almost 2 thousand years! Tea soon became famous in Southern China and with the help of Buddhist monks, it spread to Northern China. It became the favourite drink of the monks as it helped them meditate. Tea was made differently when it was found and was only used for its medicinal value and was not tasty! They used to compress the tea leaves into a brick and whenever they needed to make tea they would break a small piece of it and add it to hot water… along with onions, salt, ginger and orange! It was used to cure stomach aches, skin diseases and bad eyesight. China then traded tea with many other countries and the tea evolved to the modern-day beloved beverage.

Types of Tea-

Here are some types of Tea!-

Black Tea

Green Tea

White Tea

Oolong Tea

Purple Tea

Matcha Tea

Different versions of Tea in different countries!-

China-Pu’er Tea

India-Masala Chai

South Africa- Rooibos Tea



Canada-London Fog

South Korea- Omija-cha


Thailand-Cha yen

