Young Emanuel Swedenborg

The One That Straddled Science & Religion

Jesus Najera
Young Polymaths


Originally Published —

God Is The Absolute Reality Underlying Everything

Up to now, this series has been marked by a pool of Masters of Many that rarely explored or embraced their spiritual side. Emanuel Swedenborg, the fourteenth entrant, breaks this mold by publicly devoting his life’s work to both the assumed-opposites of science & religion.

From diverse scientist to mechanical inventor to religious philosopher, Emanuel Swedenborg is tragically overlooked as one of the greatest thinkers of the previous century. Maintaining the same focus as previous submissions, we ask again — what was he like in his twenties?

Note-Worthy Accomplishments

— Famed scientific author that evolved mineralogy & established Sweden’s first scientific journal, Daedalus Hyperboreus

— Prolific mechanical inventor that sketched out detailed volumes of future inventions rivaling that of Da Vinci

— Religious philosopher that published 18 theological volumes & inspired a religious church (New Church / Church of the New Jerusalem)

20s To 30s (1708–1718)

It’s incontrovertible that our childhood environment has lasting impacts on our psyche & persona —…



Jesus Najera
Young Polymaths

Owner @ SetDesign, NightKnight & CryptoSpace | Product Designer | Hobbyist Mathematician | VR Developer | MS in Finance @ UF