Young Galileo Galilei

The One Chained To The Ground Yet Gazing At The Stars

Jesus Najera
Young Polymaths


Originally Published —

Quick Intro

The Greatest Wisdom Is To Get To Know Oneself

Today, we take the authority associated with the world of science for granted; in the 16th-century, however, there was perhaps no other institution on the planet that held a monopoly on ideas & truths quite like the Church. Challenging these pious ideas, regardless of conviction or legitimate reasoning, was literal heresy.

So it’s hard to highlight just how much courage entry #16 in this series exhibited; a less-spoken part of the legend, Galileo Galilei demonstrated extraordinary resilience from both financial & legal pressures throughout his life. Despite this, his accomplishments are on par & very deserving of his place among fellow polymaths; to better understand the nature & nurture that gave us Galileo, we once again ask — what was he like in his twenties?

Note-Worthy Accomplishments

— Prolific mechanical engineer & inventor that created the thermoscope, military compass, hydrostatic balance & a water pump

—Father of Observational Astronomy that advanced the telescope (x30) & made numerous ground-breaking astronomical discoveries



Jesus Najera
Young Polymaths

Owner @ SetDesign, NightKnight & CryptoSpace | Product Designer | Hobbyist Mathematician | VR Developer | MS in Finance @ UF