Young Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose

The Empathic Inventor & Scientist

Jesus Najera
Young Polymaths


Quick Intro

The True Laboratory Is The mind, Where Behind Illusions We Uncover The Deeper Laws Of Truth

Breakthrough progress under a simmering sense of social pressure is quite difficult — a life of breakthrough achievement while facing down overt racism, is something else entirely. And yet to remain an empathic, humanity-first soul among it all is what truly makes Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, our twelfth-entry in our Young Polymath series, a master of many worth studying.

From physicist to biologist to author to activist, Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose is tragically overlooked as one of the greatest thinkers of the previous century. Maintaining the same focus as previous submissions, we ask again — what was he like in his twenties?

Note-Worthy Accomplishments

— Evolved botany by inventing the crescograph & proving that plants use electrical impulses to respond to stimuli (similarly to animals)

— Known as the Father of Radio, inventing the Mercury Coherer famously used by Guglielmo Marconi for his transatlantic radio

— Philanthropist who not only self-funded the majority of his research, but additionally refused to patent his inventions



Jesus Najera
Young Polymaths

Owner @ SetDesign, NightKnight & CryptoSpace | Product Designer | Hobbyist Mathematician | VR Developer | MS in Finance @ UF