Build Your Own Personal Brand With These 10 Lesser-Known Tools:

Mitch Robinson
Young Professional Insider
4 min readMay 20, 2016

1. Revue — Like Tumblr, But for Newsletters

A great way to set up a personal email newsletter. Just set it up and focus on writing and finding great content, not managing the tool or email list itself.

2. Nuzzle — See Top News Stories From Your Friends & Influencers

Understand what is trending in terms of what your friends are reading, you friends of friends, and what the influencers you follow read.

3. Canva — A Simple Design Tool For Everyone

Create beautiful graphics for social media or any of your projects without having to take a four year degree to lean Photoshop.

4. Discovery by Affino — See a Map Of Your Personal Network

A great tool to help you visualize and map your twitter following. Understand who knows who, and the archetypes that follow you.

5. — Grow Your Twitter Following With a Targeted Audience

It’s not the number of followers that you have, it’s the engagement and interest of each one that counts. helps you add depth to your follower base.

6. YPInsider — What you Need To Know As A Young Professional, In Your Inbox Twice a Week (or on medium here)

A sharp and concise newsletter for young professionals. Kind of like The Skimm, but for career advice. Full discolsure, the author is an editor of the medium publication.

7. Li.St— Easily Share Lists on The Things You Care About

In an age where everyone just wants to know the top 10 lesser known ways to build your personal brand, makes sharing lists easy on social media.

8. Nametag — A Career Toolkit for Young Adults

Create a sharp resume and a personal website for free and make a strong, professional, first impression. Full disclaimer, the author is a founder and would love to hear your feedback on twitter :)

9. #AskGaryVee Search Engine — A Search Engine for Answers on Social Media, Brand Building, and Self Awareness

A full search engine to get responses to questions on leadership, social media, personal branding, entrepreneurship and more.

10. Landscape By SproutSocial — Streamlined Image Resizing for Social Media

Drop in an image and be able to use it for content natively across multiple platforms. Save time and look sharp.



Mitch Robinson
Young Professional Insider

A healthy mix of nerd, coffee, and ambition. Founder of @usenametag. @penn_state forever. I love taco bell.