The Big Mistakes You’ll Make As A College Freshman

Young Professional Insider
4 min readJun 16, 2016

There’s a number of things that you’ll screw up as a freshman — and that’s okay. That’s the whole idea of college, right?

There are just some things that you have to find out the hard way.

But below are the most common and unnecessary mistakes we see freshman make — and you can avoid:

In Class:

1. Sitting in the back row and not asking questions is a huge mistake. Bite the bullet, sit in the front row, and ask questions along the way. There’s less room for BS on college exams than there are in High School so make sure you use your class time to actually learn material so that you don’t waste the week leading up to your exam cramming.

2. Not going to office hours is a huge mistake nearly all freshman make — most students take 3 years to figure this out. Just go. It’s the easiest way to get concepts clarified and get on the professors good side. Even if you go once a month, you’ll be so far ahead of the curve.

3. Doing Exactly As Your Professor Says is often a count-intuitive mistake that students make. This is not always the case, but here’s what we’ve seen: Professors (often) have an incentive to create a standard distribution of grades and you’ll need to cut some corners and dive deeper into other things. Learn how to read deeper and figure out wha you really need to know. For the professors that are straightforward, ask them what they think you should study further or less.

In The Gym & Dining Halls:

1. The Freshman 15 is a real thing. And often those who put those pounds on never lose them. There’s going to be a ton of opportunities to eat more than you should, drink more than you should, and splurge. Thats okay

2. Being intimated at a college gym is 100% understandable. There’s a ton of unwanted testosterone all in one room. But, here’s the deal: going to the gym is going to make you happier, healthier, and is a fantastic way to relieve stress. If you really don’t feel comfortable then tell yourself you’ll stay for just 10 minutes and go from there. Not getting into a healthy routine will set you back bigtime.

Getting Involved On Campus:

1. Being afraid to jump out of your comfort zone is an easy way to cut the fun of your college experiences right in half. The stories will be worth it. We’re not saying throw your boundaries out the window — bit staying inside a strict box is a little close-minded. If you’re feeling nervous, have a friend jump in with you. At the same time, going to far is just as bad, if not worse. Be self aware and know yourself.

2. Taking on a leadership position as a freshman can be hard to get, and sometimes overwhelming to manage. If you’ve found an organization you’d like to be apart of offer to take on one or two responsibilities. It doesn’t have to be a formal title, but like anything, is a great way to provide value and get your foot in the door to larger roles. But don’t miss out.

Professional Development:

1. Approaching ‘networking’ as… an opportunity to receive, not give, is a big mistake that college students make all the time. Think about how you could help the person you’re talking to and create a long term relationship with people in your industry. Going ‘in for the kill’ suggests that you’re done with the person

2. Being reckless with your social media accounts will come back to haunt you. We’re an age where recruiters will thoroughly check your social media accounts to see if you’re a good culture fit. Will what they see turn them off? While most of the time it will depend on the context, here’s a rule-of-thumb to follow: have someone you look up professionally follow you and have them call you out whenever you make a mistake.

3. Creating your resume using a friend’s Microsoft Word Template is the easiest way to fall behind. Microsoft word was never created to help you make an awesome resume. Use a tool that allows you to spin, polish, and manage your resume the right way. First Impressions are incredibly important.



Young Professional Insider

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