Can Success be predefined?

Pratham Yogendra
4 min readJan 4, 2019

With 7.6 billion unique voices existing in the world, there exist 7.6 Billion different meanings for success. But, can it be predefined?

Let’s find out.

Hey there, this is Pratham here from the Youngsters’ Journals back again with a new article where in I am gonna be talking about Success.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

First off, what is my definition of ‘Success’?

Well, according to me ‘Success’ is nothing but the true satisfaction within a person which only comes when he/she accomplishes his/her goal by working hard. I believe it has nothing to do with money or status.

Well, you might be wondering why I am being this dumb?

After all, money and status is everything! Right?

But you are wrong because, have you ever seen a toddler attempt to pile up random stuff to build something which doesn’t even make sense to others and when he/she does that, there comes a beautiful smile which is so precious. It’s his/her happiness that matters in the situation. The toddler doesn’t care about how many dollars/rupees/pounds that he/she made in the process.

The satisfaction in the toddler depicts the success.

And one more thing here is that the toddler doesn’t give a damn about what others think.

Hence proved :)

And surely for the world, how much money you make and your status defines your success. But at the end of the day, it’s your opinion about your own life which matters.

The world judges you and moves on!

So, moving on to the question of the day which is Can success be predefined?

Well, success cannot be predefined because there aren’t just one or two but infinite ways to succeed and I can give you more than one example to prove it. But what matters the most is that you must discover your path among the infinite ways and believe me, your path and your friend’s path or any other person’s path will not be the same because you both live in different environments.

I agree that there may be similarities in your goals but you both are very different. He/she might have a much more streamlined life and you might not or vice versa.

And there is this little misconception that I would like to clear, that just because he/she have done something which pays ’em well, don’t try tracing down their path. They may be earning well but they may also have others problems. Find your strengths and weakness and mainly focus on what you are really passionate about.

Because your attitude towards your Parents,Passion,Talent, Hard-Work and Patience is guiding light to your success. If you stop following the light, you will be lost amidst the darkness.

Now, I’ve observed this little scenario with my friends where their parents seem to think that they’ve cracked the predefined path for success. And their kids want to pursue something else which is good but they are restricted and feel insecure to convey their feelings to their parents.

Well, don’t get me wrong but parents must start to realize the fact the world is changing every minute and they must teach their kids to come out of their safe-zone and work hard to make a difference.

It doesn’t really matter if your ward is an engineer only to work in a software company at a 9–5 routine which is no less than being a robot and here, it’s not parents’ fault either because they want their children to be happy and coming from the 90's or 80's, they’ve experienced how hard it is to earn money and that, I believe is the reason behind parents encouraging their children to play safe.

Their economic conditions made an impact on their meaning of success but if you are reading this article, you are lucky enough to become something on your own and all you need to do is to discover your passion and work on the path which is uniquely designated to you and you only.

Coming to the last question, Will there be any predefined path for success in the future?

Nope, I believe that there will be no predefined path for success in any possible future because as I stated earlier success is dependent over perspective and it differs from person to person because not everyone perceives everything in the same way.

Well, this is what I had to speak about success.

So, if you liked the article then make sure to shower your claps and also do share it with your friends. This is Pratham signing off, you guys have a great day. Bye-bye now.

