FoodTech DEMO DAY @ Station F with StartupBootcamp

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4 min readDec 4, 2018


At Younicorns, we’re taking a closer look at FoodTech… so we couldn’t miss such an event, focusing on innovation in the Food & Beverages industry!

Is there better place than Station F to talk about innovation and food?

As Kevin Camphuis, co-founder of ShakeUpFactory, mentioned: “there is one deal a day in Paris in Foodtech” with more than 750M€ to be invested in Agriculture and Food initiatives.

First things first, what is StartupBootcamp?

StartupBootcamp gathers 21 industry-focused programs helping startups scale with direct access to an international network of mentors, partners and investors.

Today, StartupBootcamp is present in 15 cities and has accelerated more than 600 startups.

Startupbootcamp launched its program in the food industry in 2016 in Rome. This global FoodTech accelerator helps selected teams to shape, build and sell their products, taking 6% equity from each startup.

For this 3rd acceleration cycle, more than 700 applications were submitted from over 85 countries, out of which only 7 startups graduated. We’ve been among the lucky ones discovering them during this demo day!

What about the 7 promising FoodTech startups selected?

According to StartupBootcamp, these initiatives are the very best early-stage foodtech startups operating globally. We’ve particularly appreciated the variety in value propositions and in startups’ origins, even though it was a bit disappointing to have not a single french startup.

So, in a few words, here are the 7 promising startups!

1/ Product innovation

  • Mushroom Cups : offering beverages infused with mushrooms for those who love coffee without its side effects — product currently sold on Amazon and on Mushroom Cups’ marketplace
  • Ecopack : developing edible and biodegradable plastics — with its B2B approach, Ecopack has already been employed to produce 100% edible plastic straws

2/ Model innovation (Peer-to-Peer)

  • Authenticook : providing an online marketplace connecting people to eat diversified and authentic food served by locals
  • Farm-r : connecting farmers to turn under-used machinery (e.g. tractors) into a revenue stream by allowing farmer-to-farmer rental

3/ Technological innovation (IA, IoT…)

  • Poirot : offering IoT/cloud based solution for fast / accurate inventory and smart ordering
  • Vaartani : with its patented AI technology model, Vaartani analyzes consumer insights to identify unmet consumer needs and emerging trends
  • Hotbox : IoT transport device delivering pizzas as it comes at the restaurant

Younicorns’ “coup de coeur”: MyFoody

Among the great startups that we discovered, the one that won our “Coup de coeur” prize is MyFoody! It is one of StartupBootcamp’s alumni.

MyFoody offers a solution to reduce food waste in supermarkets increasing sales and improving their brand awareness. By tracking all the data related to supermarkets’ products, MyFoody automatically publishes the deals in real time for expiring products on MyFoody mobile app for users.

We love this ingenious solution combining business and ecology!

And finally, the expected intervention of Emmanuel Faber

Emmanuel Faber went for an engaged speech mentioning the #FoodRevolution and the #BCorp. With the vision “One planet. One health”, the CEO of Danone insisted on the importance of adopting healthier and more sustainable eating and drinking practices.

“At Danone, we believe that we are here to serve food revolution and not to oppose it”

If there were one comment to make: we were glad to have such a leader on stage but it was unfortunately really short!

For this 3rd session of StartupBootcamp FoodTech DEMO DAY, we’ve discovered new products, new models and technologies reinventing food experience and most importantly covering upcoming challenges of sustainability.

It was an insightful afternoon for Younicorns and we would be proud to see a french FoodTech startup among next year’s finalists!

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