Book News Corner: 2024 Issue 8

A weekly check-in on the latest book-related news, with a side of commentary

Amanda Kay Oaks
Your Book Friend


Image compiled by the editor using Canva

Hello, book friends, and welcome back to book news corner!

This has been a relatively eventful week in book-related news, and it looks like I’ll be able to claim the “I was right” trophy on Spotify audiobook price hikes sooner than anticipated. Anyway, let’s get right to the news of the week!

Rumors Suggest Spotify Will Raise Premium Pricing, Implement Tiered System

While Spotify has yet to confirm any intentions of changing their pricing structure, multiple outlets are beginning to report on rumors that a new tiered structure is in the works.

The alleged pricing change would raise the price for Premium, which includes podcasts and the new audiobooks feature. The current price would roll into a Basic subscription, letting users who aren’t interested in other audio content keep listening to music for the same price. I’m zero percent surprised to see this news, given that the addition of audiobooks undoubtedly means Spotify is spending more money somewhere. I’m staying tuned to see what the new Premium price shakes out to be before I make any decisions about my subscription.



Amanda Kay Oaks
Your Book Friend

Pittsburgh-based writer & wearer of many metaphorical hats. Making words about books, pop culture, witchery, health, travel, and more! She/her.