Book News Corner: Issue 12

Book-related news with a side of commentary for the week of 1/29/23–2/4/23

Amanda Kay Oaks
Your Book Friend


Image created by the editor in Canva

Hello and welcome back to Book News Corner! We’re going for cozy vibes in the corner this morning, as it’s been extra chilly in Pittsburgh the past few days. As I write this, the temperatures are in the single digits.

So let’s light a candle, grab a cozy blanket, and dig in to the week’s book-related news!

(Full disclosure: This post uses affiliate links).

A Haunted New Series from Jen DeLuca

On January 31st, 2023, PublishersMarketplace announced that Jen DeLuca’s latest book, Good Bones, has been acquired by Berkley. This will be the first book in a new series about a haunted coastal town in Florida and centers on a woman who buys a new house, only to discover a ghostly presence. Thankfully, there’s a handsome local coffee shop owner available to help with the investigation. Um, yes please!

On February 1st, DeLuca tweeted about the announcement, which also includes exciting news for fans of the Well Met series — she’s signed on for book five!

(Source: Tweet from Jen DeLuca, featuring image from Publishers Marketplace)

Ant-Man to Release Memoir in MCU…



Amanda Kay Oaks
Your Book Friend

Pittsburgh-based writer & wearer of many metaphorical hats. Making words about books, pop culture, witchery, health, travel, and more! She/her.