“Love and Other Conspiracies” Is a Romance You Can Believe In

A review of Mallory Marlowe’s debut romance novel

Amanda Kay Oaks
Your Book Friend


Cover image via Berkley

(Full disclosure: This post contains Bookshop.org affiliate links which throw a little support my way if you choose to purchase.)

Hello, book friends! It’s time for another review from my NetGalley shelf. Many thanks to Berkley for the digital review copy of Love and Other Conspiracies by Mallory Marlowe, which came out on August 20th.

This book has the most adorably eye-catching cover, and a premise I knew I couldn’t pass up on. It tells the story of Hallie Barret, a web producer who is trying to pick up the pieces after an emotionally abusive relationship wrecked her life and her confidence. Her boss gives her the chance to pitch a new show for a competition to save her job — and that’s when she discovers conspiracy theorist and cryptid expert Hayden Hargrove.

She convinces him to make a web series version of his popular podcast, but there’s just one problem — he struggles in front of the camera. And that’s how Hallie finds herself sharing the spotlight in a way she never imagined she could. Their fans ship them for a reason, and soon they’re navigating uncovering their feelings for each other right alongside the search for Bigfoot.



Amanda Kay Oaks
Your Book Friend

Pittsburgh-based writer & wearer of many metaphorical hats. Making words about books, pop culture, witchery, health, travel, and more! She/her.