3 Witchy Books I Hope to Read During Spooky Season

A new month and a new list of reading hopefuls

Amanda Kay Oaks
Your Book Friend


Photo by the author

Happy Saturday, book friends! I recently learned about something called Blogtober, where bloggers try to create new content every day for the month of October. As you may know about me, I love a good monthly challenge almost as much as I love not successfully completing them.

Is that going to stop me from trying to tackle Blogtober? Nope! I’m going to do what I can to churn out bookish goodness every day for the month of October!

As is tradition, October 1st brought you the monthly reading recap where I went over the best books I read last month.

Today, I’m doing something a little bit different and attempting to assemble an October TBR. TBR, if you didn’t know, stands for “to be read.” Some folks in the online book community post monthly lists of the books that they plan to read in a given month. I, on the other hand, tend to float sporadically from book to book, so I’m not in the practice of planning out my reading.

But, in the spirit of spooky season, I have a handful of titles I want to work into the month while the witching is wild.

(Full disclosure: Book links in this post are affiliate links, which means Your Book Friend may earn a small commission



Amanda Kay Oaks
Your Book Friend

Pittsburgh-based writer & wearer of many metaphorical hats. Making words about books, pop culture, witchery, health, travel, and more! She/her.