What We’re Reading Wednesday, September 28th

Our weekly space to check in about books and reading

Amanda Kay Oaks
Your Book Friend


Image created by the editor in Canva

Happy Wednesday, book friends! This week has been chock full at work and in the evenings with social activities, so I feel like I’ve blinked and we’re halfway through.

I’m gearing up for a weekend trip of a super secret nature, about which I can share more once the surprise has passed. I’ll pack my books along but it’s unlikely I’ll get much reading in, aside from when the others are asleep and I’m up at 5:30am on account of who I am as a person.

But it’s not the weekend yet, and there’s plenty of reading updates to catch up on before I pack my bags.

(Full disclosure: This post uses Bookshop.org affiliate links. Books noted with an asterisk were received as complimentary review copies).

Recent Reads

I’m on a roll and finished another book this week! I finally got around to reading Kerry Winfrey’s Just Another Love Song, which I fully admit to putting off because I wasn’t sure I’d love it as much as I love her other books. Sure enough, I thought this one was cute and cozy but not the best fit for me personally as a reader. I enjoyed it, but it won’t go down as a lifelong favorite. My mini-review went up earlier this week:



Amanda Kay Oaks
Your Book Friend

Pittsburgh-based writer & wearer of many metaphorical hats. Making words about books, pop culture, witchery, health, travel, and more! She/her.