3 Prime Causes for you to Start Writing

Sadman Ishrak
Personal Branding
Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2017

Writing is a necessary skill that is important for everyone in our world.

The internet is full of written content. Over 2,000,000 blog posts get published, and about 269 billion emails sent every day. That surely is a lot of written content.

We humans have never written so much in any decade which has caused immense competition. However, yet you must write and learn how to write better. If you do not, you will not be able to survive the tremendous competition as a professional in your industry.

Here you have the top 3 reasons why you need to write:

1. Personal Branding:

If you do not have a brand as a professional, then you will soon be out of your job and be replaced by someone with a better portfolio than you have. There is just way too much competition out there and to stand out among everyone you need to have a uniquely strong personal brand.

You can market yourself as a professional by adding value to your industry through the content that you produce. Everyone loves to get educated these days. Once you educate someone, they believe that you are professional and you know your work.

Well, you are not a professional if you do not know what you do. However, you can prove that you know what you talk about and work on, through the content that you produce and publish.

The content that is cheapest and easiest to produce are written content. All that you need to create written content is a pencil or pen, piece of paper and writing skill.

If you do not have the last one, no one will read your written content. You have to write to build up your writing skill.

2. Clarity & Opportunities:

Writing can help you to get a better understanding of any concept. If you do not understand any concept, try writing it down by yourself. You might just figure out what is going on that you did not understand.

Inspiring or motivating speech needs perfect words for the perfect situation. Those words do not start their journey from the speaker’s mouth.

They are first written on a piece of paper and edited many times. So if you have to speak at a conference or any podium, you better hone your writing skills.

Writing can bring you many opportunities in life. If you want a raise from your boss or are negotiating with a client online, an e-mail can make a difference of thousands of dollars in the deal if not millions. Sending a well-written e-mail increases your chance of winning the negotiation through e-mail.

3. Side Hustle:

Once you are good at writing, you can provide writing services to individuals or companies. Writing is a highly demanded skill.

As you have already read two million blog posts are published every day. These blog posts did not write themselves. Many professionals wrote these blog posts and got paid for their work. If you try, you can easily be one of them and get paid for writing.

Ghostwriting services are trendy as well. Top CEOs, COO and senior officials of companies need articles that they publish to water their brand. They simply don’t have the time to write articles and edit them.

So what they do is hire a ghostwriter and make them write articles. The ghostwriters get well paid for the service they provide. If you want to be a ghostwriter for senior officials, you must have top-notch skills.

Writing services can even become your full-time hustle later you never know.

As the more you write, the more you earn, and the more you learn. It is an infinite loop to honing your skills and making more money.

If you do not want to write for the last two reasons stated in the article, it is perfectly all right. However, you must write and learn to write better for the first cause. Because if you do not soon, you will have a hard time to survive in your market if you already aren’t.

If you are still with me, please clap a few times and share this article with everyone on social media. You never know, you might just change someone’s life and career by sharing this one article.

Thank you for reading! Please do not forget to follow me on Medium for many writing and personal branding tips, which I will publish soon. Best of luck with your day and building your career through writing!



Sadman Ishrak
Personal Branding

Marketing and Business Enthusiast, with passion for Blockchain.