Personal Branding
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2017


4 Reasons Why You Should Blog For Your Small Business

By Aditi, Let The Muse Flow

With more and more small businesses sprucing up globally, there is a growing demand for even stronger differentiation. And that differentiation has many facets — how you position your brand in the market, to how you market your product/ service, to how to establish a market leadership, to how you forge collaborations with your partners, media, industry stakeholders — and grow your customers.

And there’s just something more that is added to your ever-growing list of things to do on a daily basis.

So how you do tie it back to your story as a business owner? How do you communicate your brand’s message and leadership in a way which is not pompous but assertive — that makes a point of your very existence in the small business ecosystem? In the worst case scenario when everything else feels a bit disconcerting, how do you showcase your experience and knowledge to your customers, for them to bestow trust in your business?

The answer is the new natural for startups/ small businesses to thrive, it is blogging.

Here are a few reasons you should put your fingers on the keypad — and start blogging.

1- SEO needs it. Writing blogs consistently — be it once a week or twice a month, I leave the schedule and frequency to you — helps Google crawl up your search results and gives you a better brand visibility when companies search for a relevant keyword/ phrase in your industry. You customers and prospects want market information in just a few words typed into the search bar — and you should know what exactly they are looking for. That way, you can provide them with the information they need, when you put some information/ educational purpose into your blog posts.

2- Your customers loves them. A successful marriage of your company blog and SEO friendly hacks definitely gives you more promising leads. The more your leads find your blogs rich in content and overall tonality, the more chances of them to fill up a company form or place an inquiry for buying your product or service. Customers and prospects love to be educated about their questions and queries. And if you can solve their problems via an informative blog post, rest assured, they will give you the business. Warm them up before asking a query and there are more chances of you to have them as a long-term customer.

3- Repurpose blogs into other content formats. While this post is centered around writing blogs, but you can repurpose these blog posts into easily understandable audio and video formats like podcasts, webinar, youtube vlogs etc to cater to a larger set of audience. As how Gary Vaynerchuk says, document over create in his post, you should focus on content that is predicated more on practicality instead of coming up with that one immaculate story idea (which, again, is great, too: but document like Gary says. That way you start creating a memoir of your expertise over a period of time, for which others start to see immense value in your knowledge). However, for all this to happen, you need to blog at the start — and then think of scaling up.

4- Personal and business branding. Creating a haven of rich blog posts benefits you in establishing your thought leadership as a founder and your company in unison. Showcasing your company culture, successful case studies and your media interviews backed by a blog gives you more earned and owned coverage in the media and in your industry, thereby increasing your company’s viewership, more customer traffic, and guest blogging opportunities apart from the traditional PR benefits.

Are you leveraging blogging to scale up your business?

Let’s chat.

