6 Laws of Personal Branding

Indexis Godspower
Personal Branding
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2017

It is true that the splendor of a young man is in his strength and the strength of the young is supposed to be invested in the pursuit of his dream or career. Before focusing your strength to your dreams, you have to first discover, cultivate and understand your ability and then calve out your dream from your ability because when you do not discover or know your ability, then your dream will suffer irrespective of your strength. I will show you eight laws of personal branding.

Law of Specification and Identification

Before any you ventures into choosing a dream or career, there is the need to answer the question of “Who you are” because life begins from identifying who you are. A man who cannot identify his uniqueness can never stand out in the crowd. We have over 2.5 billion people on the earth; you have to discover why you are different. If you were not born what will be missing; what is special about you. You need to identify yourself and specify your gifting. History has I t that people who understands the kind of effect they want to create often live to create it. You must be able to discover and specify yourself and gifting in the world in one sentence.

Law of Capacity

Never think that you would achieve or experience any success that you do not deliberately develop the capacity for. Success never flows into a vacuum, it flows into capacity; the only way to show you are ready to achieve any success is by your capacity. Success always flows into a vacuum and it takes your capacity to refill. After you have identified who you are and specified your gifting, you must come back to your drawing board and develop your capacity. The palaces of life are not looking for people who have potentials but for the people who have developed skills out of their potentials.

Law of Technology

Every time you improve on your knowledge, you step up to another level. Technology is the life of any economy. Now let’s play it to ourselves; what you know and somebody else does not know is what you would be paid for. You would never be paid for what you know and others know in exactly the same way, so you see technology is the advantage of anyone. Technology goes beyond just acquiring information; you begin to learn to know what others do not know. You stand out when you know what others do not know; every time technology becomes common it becomes outdated. You must continue to learn and update your source of information.

Law of Education

Education does not necessarily mean the knowledge you have acquired in school or the paper you have acquired in your years of study in school. Education rather is everything you do to discover, develop and deploy your entire purpose and potential. Whatever helps you become more of who you are is education.

Law of Poise

Be very versatile, increase your knowledge, and learn from different fields from a wide range of reading to make yourself unique and outstanding. All the little information and knowledge you gather from reading in every branch of learning helps in strengthening your specialty.

Law of Conversion

Know how to convert the resources you have to meet current needs. Improve your knowledge and make excellence a culture. Learn how to convert your resources to not just meeting current but you must be able to predict the future and improve on your conversion to meet future needs and being a solution to future problems.

