7 Secrets to Build an Amazing Brand that you Should Totally Consider

Ganesha Siagian
Personal Branding
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2016

To build a brand, there are plenty of important ‘things’ that will make your brand a good brand.

The ‘things’ consists of the name, logo, jingle, taglines etc. Other than that, you should consider getting your brand trademarked in order to legalize your brand.

The ‘things’ mentioned before is a necessity. But, that’s only the beginning! There are more other things you should totally consider to develop an amazing brand. And now, without further ado, here are the secrets to build an amazing brand that no one has ever considered before:

1. What do people think about you and your brand?

Little does someone realize that a brand is not about what you say of it, it’s about what everyone says of it. Google yourself and your own brand. Some even say that the best form of flattery is criticism. So, try to consider what people say about you and your brand!

2. Use the online platform.

In the age of massive use of internet, online platform is a good — or even a brilliant way to create and promote your brand. There are a lot of free platforms you can utilize to enhance your brand. You can use Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or even Instagram to run and promote your brand. Also, you can build your own website to ease your consumers.

3. Make a significant synchronization between you and your brand.

Synchronize yourself with your brand. Your image should show accordingly how you blog online. This is where personal branding takes place. For example, if you’re creating a brand that involves food and cooking, you should at least show as a clean and healthy person. You definitely don’t want to gross your customers out because of your behavior.

4. Consider associating yourself with strong brands.

It is never a wrong option to associate yourself with a strong brand. Some say that your personal brand is strengthened or weakened by your connection to other brands. This tells us, a good association between you and strong brands is crucial. You can look for strong brands in your college, company or colleagues.

5. Be consistent.

Everyone can tell whether your brand is a good brand or not just by looking at the consistency of your work. Inconsistency leads to confusion.

6. Trying to please everyone is a bad idea.

Even though it’s good to satisfy your customers, it is practically impossible to please everyone. Keep this in mind; as long as you’re doing a great work, you don’t have to be afraid. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Your main target is to build and grow a business, not to please everyone.

7. Be a brand of value.

Always remember to produce value whatever you do. The values you can add may vary, but always ask questions to yourself like, “what makes your brand different from other brands?” and such.

These simple tips may or may not help you to create an awesome brand. Because in the end, everything that matters is what you do towards your brand. An anonymous once said, “Managing your brand is not a singular event but a continuous process.” A serious affection towards the brand is needed to keep it alive.

