How To Make Your Brand Speak To Your Audience On A Personal Level

Lexi Montgomery
Personal Branding
Published in
5 min readJan 23, 2019

Contextual Marketing

Marketing is no easy task.

It involves tons of research and development, scientific application of techniques used in neuroscience & psychology, and patience.

As marketers, we’re constantly triggering a mix of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the process — and it takes many encounters (usually 7 touches), to get someone to buy a product or service.

There’s a lot that goes into this, but here are the basics:

Contextual marketing is a marketing model based on brain science.

Potential customers are stimulated with targeted ads based on their search history and browsing behavior. The customer is then maneuvered into a sales funnel where they’re gently nudged toward the sale over time.

This is an integral piece of consumer seduction because it’s important that we know what people want & what they care about before ever asking them to buy from us.

The more time we allow ourselves to gather information about a customer, the better we’ll be able to serve them.

Contextual marketing is as literal as it sounds. You’re adding context to the sales scenario to better qualify the customer and address their needs directly.

Is Contextual Marketing Ethical?


Understanding how the brain works, and how consumers process & react to different stimuli is a key component of giving people what they want.

Companies like Facebook, Youtube, and Snapchat have mastered this.

As have brands like CNN, Disney, Universal, Warner Brothers, Netflix, Apple, and celebrities like the Kardashians.

Context, in many ways, is the key to life.

Context in Life

When we’re dating someone, we have to consider the context at hand.

Are they financially stable? Do they have friends? What’s their temperament like? What are their interests and priorities? Do they respect us? What’s their background? Do we have the same values? Why are we dating them? What are their hopes, dreams, and fears?

Most people won’t walk up to a stranger and marry them without contextual knowledge.

When someone is renting an apartment, the landlord will want a background check, credit check, proof of income, and a review of the candidate’s rental history.

If someone is having a knee replacement done, they’ll do a little research on the surgeon first. They’ll want to know where the doctor went to school, what past patients say about the doctor’s work & bedside manner, and if there are any malpractice cases under that doctor.

When we’re changing our diet, buying a home, attending university, planning to have a baby, or making any life-altering decision — context is crucial.

Everything in life revolves around “context,” and the smaller details make a big difference in the long-run.

Do consumers buy “context?”

Yes and no.

Consumers are operating, reactively. There is some proactivity in consumption, but most consumers have been triggered by sidebar ads, newsfeed ads, popups, and targeted marketing long before they decide to make a purchase.

This is both fascinating and dangerous.

It’s fascinating because of AI. It’s also dangerous because of AI.

Robotic intelligence is smarter, faster, and more accurate than it’s ever been.

Some machines (like Google and popular social media sites) know more about you, than you may even know. They have the ability to data about your personal preferences and desires and compare it with similar data about others, recommending new products and services to fit your specific needs.

This can make the buying experience a lot smoother, and more enjoyable.

However, machine learning is fundamentally reactive. It’s constantly collecting information about us and can take a while to catch up.

This means that when you’re following tons of foodie accounts, filled with burgers, bacon mac, and cupcakes, then decide to go vegan — AI can make it harder to change your own behavior.

Or when a kid is at a party with his friends, and they suggest playing a “game.” They open Stanford University’s AI software that can correctly distinguish between gay and straight men 81% of the time, and he learns that he’s gay — something he hasn’t figured out himself or discussed before.

Modern technology keeps us completely distracted. This is the first time in history where we have to fight to maintain focus on what’s in front of us. We have to fight to maintain our personal identity.

But what are we being distracted from?

We’re Distracted From Ourselves

Computers know more about us than we do because, in a sense, humanity has become dependent on technology. We no longer can navigate without GPS, or determine which foods are good for us to eat.

We’re so disconnected from our own nature, that we want to remain distracted at all times.

Have you ever done a social media detox?

It’s pretty freaking tough.

A mental diet is as challenging as a physical diet in many ways.

Old habits die hard, and preferences are no longer exclusive to product quality.

We feel good when we buy relatable brands and follow relatable influencers. Not because of the actual product, or service, nor the logo, website, or reviews. But because of how they make us feel. Sure, all of those things are important, but they aren’t the master key to consumer seduction.

The key is that we, as consumers, have to ego-identify with brands.

We have to attach ourselves to the brand on a personal level.

What’s contextual about my personal brand?


Every single thing you post, every piece of content you create, even things you reshare — will either help to build or segment your personal brand.

Life is nuance.

Have you ever looked forward to something so much, and when the day arrives, it’s just not as exciting as you once imagined?

Maybe it is as exciting as you imagined, and then it’s gone in a flash. And the memories aren’t as life-giving as thinking about the event beforehand.

This is just human nature.

And contextual marketing is about being proactive in cultivating human experiences.

It’s not the destination, but the journey that fuels us.



Lexi Montgomery
Personal Branding

Web designer & marketer in Miami. I specialize in consumer seduction, and memorably branding companies to stand out from the competition.