Does Your 2019 Resolution Include Finding a New Job? Your Personal Branding Better Be Tight

rhonda moret
Personal Branding
Published in
5 min readDec 14, 2018

In a pile of resumes, how confident are you that your personal message and distinguishing factors will stand above the rest? Without a solid personal brand in place, there’s a really good chance that you, and the resume you spent so much time developing, will get lost in the noise of your competition.

So, what does it take to create a solid, impactful personal brand? To get branding right, you first have to understand what is and what it isn’t.

Personal branding, moves away from the famous results-driven, detail-oriented resume jargon, and captures the heart of who you are and what you stand for. And who you are matters more than anything else. Beyond degrees, past jobs, and fancy resumes, companies are looking to hire the right people for the right job, which means you have to put in the work to reveal your purpose, your value and the promise of what you can deliver. Your personal brand and reputation will either draw people in or push them to run in the opposite direction.

You may have never thought about your own personal brand, but you’ve certainly connected and engaged with corporate brands. Consider the brand messages that power tech-giants like Google, Amazon and Apple — corporations that have made billions by combining great products and services with an equally powerful brand. Each have been able to create effective, memorable brands that resonate individually, and also convert into significant revenue gains.

Your personal brand can be seen the same way. Skills and ability matter, but those who have the right skills and a powerful, effective and memorable personal brand, rise above the rest. The combination of talent and branding can open the door to the type of career and life that most only daydream about. But a weak, ineffective personal brand can easily be the catalyst that stalls your professional career dead in its tracks.

What can you do now to build out your personal brand message in a way that spotlights your value and separates you from your competition? You’ve got to get to heart of who you are and why what you have to offer employers and organizations, makes you the highly-sought after “It” candidate!

It’s time to make sure you are getting it right. Answer these three questions and see where you measure up when it comes to personal branding.

What do you want to known for?

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, explains personal branding with one simple question: What do others say about you when you aren’t in the room? Whatever the answer is, that’s your personal brand.

Make the time to evaluate what it is that others think about you. Ask your co-workers, friends, and mentors how they would define who you are and what you stand for. The feedback you gain will be the foundation you need to craft your personal brand message — the words and phrases you use over and over again to reinforce the essence of who you are. The message you create should encapsulate your unique value and your core competencies.

What does Google have to say about you?

Your personal brand goes beyond what you want people to say and feel about you. In today’s technology-first economy, your internet footprint plays a significant role in your personal brand.

Do a quick search on yourself and review the results that come through. If you aren’t happy with the results, start making changes now. You can begin by improving your LinkedIn presence and by cleaning up your social networks that house photos or status’ that you would prefer an employer never lay eyes on. But don’t stop with just your social media channels. Consider building your search engine optimization by creating a website — preferably one that uses your first and last name — to house your resume and body of work. The results that land on Google matter. It’s critical to make sure that those results accurately reflect your personal brand.

What relationships can you start investing in today?

This isn’t the first time you’ve heard the value of networking, and it certainly won’t be the last. One of the most valuable things you can do for your career is to consistently build a bench of professional relationships. Those relationships will act as a reinforcement to your personal brand. The more relationships you create the easier it is for your personal brand to be amplified throughout your budding network, organization, and even throughout your industry.

Personal branding gives you the key to unlock the life you want. Invest the time now to create a personal brand message that helps you stand above the rest. Doing so, will create new levels of opportunity as you progress up the corporate ladder!

About the Author:

With over 20 years of experience working in a strategic marketing capacity, Rhonda Moret has hands-on experience working in all areas of the marketing discipline — from branding, strategic marketing, to digital marketing, and public relations.

Moret has worked with or for some of the world’s most recognized brands including Universal Studios, Subway Restaurants, Nike Golf, the PGA of America, and the PGA TOUR. Moret has also worked with several high-profile individuals including PGA great Tiger Woods, tennis legend Billie Jean King, NFL Hall of Famer Kurt Warner, MLB Hall of Famer Randy Johnson, New York Timesbestselling author Robert Kiyosaki, and yes, even Donald Trump (President of the United States).

Moret is frequently retained by organizations seeking consulting services. She is also the founder of Elevate For Her, a professional development organization which offers training programs in negotiations, leadership, unconscious bias, diversity and inclusion, and networking strategies. She has been interviewed by the Associated Press, Forbes, Adobe’s, The Business Journal, USA Today, and several other publications.



rhonda moret
Personal Branding

Moret is founder of Elevate For Her, a professional development firm.Past work includes Nike, Universal, PGA, Billie Jean King, Robert Kiyosaki, & Donald Trump.