How To Establish Yourself As A Trusted Expert

Nancy Marmolejo
Personal Branding
Published in
5 min readOct 24, 2016

It’s 2am and your alarm goes off. Barely awake, you drag yourself to the closet and get dressed in the outfit you set aside the night before… which technically, was only a few hours ago.

You plug in the curling iron, put on your make up, and grab some coffee. By 2:45, you’re on an eerily empty freeway heading into a national television network for your big spot: the EARLY EARLY morning show. Your segment is slated for 5:18am. It’ll last 5 minutes max.

You get to the television station and the night guard lets you in. You’re ushered to the green room. You see the “On Air” light, then glimpse at the alert hosts doing their early riser magic.

The bright lights of the TV set are hot. You’re glad you packed on the makeup because under these lights, it barely looks like you’re wearing any! You take a seat on the set, go over a quick review with the host, are told where to look, then ACTION! You’re on TV!

At that moment, you realize your message is touching lives beyond your email list and beyond your Facebook friends. Total strangers, getting up and making their breakfast before going to work or taking the kids to school, are tuned in to what you have to share. Your expertise. Your advice. By suiting up and showing up, you changed lives.

That’s how I felt the first time I went on a major network station. It was an incredible feeling! As I drove back home in the reverse commute, my head buzzed with the surreal nature of it all. Did I really get up at 2am, drive to downtown Los Angeles, go on TV, then drive home… and my family is still home asleep?

I giggled as I came in the door at 6:30am.

Even better were the touching responses I got from viewers, the call backs from the TV station for more guest spots, and a higher level of respect in my industry that led to more invitations to speak and connect with ideal clients.

Whether you’re talking about tips for stress reduction, how to plan for taxes, the 5 foods for a flat belly, what to do for identity theft, how to protect your assets, or reviewing children’s’ books, your expertise is needed and can make a difference. Positioning yourself as an expert is a powerful marketing tool that opens doors, helps you touch more lives, and establish your name as a trusted expert.

The great news is, you can start to build a name for yourself as an expert without having to get up at 2am and sleepily try to get TV ready. The availability of platforms to get your message on abound.

For example, you can go on a podcast and share your tips with the host. Or, you can start your own podcast and get it on iTunes so millions of people can find you. The number of people in the United States who listen to podcasts has increased 23% from 2015 to 2016. And with mobile devices driving our lives, they’re available in people’s hands.

You can create a YouTube station and share quality tips, interviews, and findings. The visual aspect of online video allows you to make an even more personal connection than just the sound of your voice.

You can write a blog, special report, ebook, traditional book, or tips sheet to share with the world. Bite sized information is growing in demand, and let’s not forget arranging your ideas visually in an infographic.

And let’s not focus entirely on the digital media- getting out in front of audiences for talks, seminars, workshops, lunch and learns, and panel discussions can be just as effective as online strategies.

Putting yourself out there can be a total game changer for your business, your brand, and the people your expertise helps. Even better, you can choose the platforms that work best for your skills and personality. If you hate writing but love speaking, then hold off on blogging and focus on podcasts and public speaking.

If you’re terrified of speaking and love to write, then write! There are no hard and fast rules as to where you need to show up. Just make sure you’re where your audience is and have relevant expertise to share.

That early morning when I drove to L.A. for the early, early show was a pivotal moment in my career. Sure, it was awful hearing my alarm go off at 2am. But I knew if I suited up and showed up, more would come my way. I knew that if I rocked it at 5am, I’d do great in prime time. Media outlets started contacting me (without me having to pitch them) for expert commentary. I gained their trust and became a trusted expert.

However, there’s more to being an expert than being able to show up somewhere at whatever hour of the day, or to have an online channel, podcast, give talks, or publish ebooks.

You need to prove you’re a credible, trusted resource. Sadly, there are plenty of self-proclaimed experts online with very little evidence to show their authority on the subject they’re speaking on. That’s the biggest downside of the abundance of platforms. I’m sure you’ve wondered who all these “experts” are that pop up out of nowhere without any track record to speak of.

Focus your efforts on being a TRUSTED expert. To do this, you must prove your credibility again and again.

TRUST is what it’s all about.

About The Author: Nancy Marmolejo teaches entrepreneurs, leaders, and teams how to tap into their unique genius and use it to lead, communicate, and create more powerful personal brands. She’s won numerous awards for her business and has been featured in Huffington Post, Smart Money, Redbook, Latina Magazine, The Orange County Register, Univision and many more. Download Nancy’s free ebook, “The Genius Finder” at



Nancy Marmolejo
Personal Branding

I teach entrepreneurs, leaders, and teams how to tap into their Deep Genius and use it to lead, communicate, and create more powerfully.