How To Own Your Personal Brand Like A Boss

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Personal Branding
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2017

What do Guy Kawasaki, Tim Ferriss, and Taylor Swift all have in common?

They’ve taken the time to build their personal brands, and are creating a digital footprint that endures in today’s chaotic digital world.

A strong personal brand can be the difference between landing your next promotion and sitting in a cubical for the rest of eternity. The good news — is that everyone has a chance to stand out! Whether you’re launching a company or climbing the corporate ladder, everyone has the opportunity to learn, improve, and showcase their skills to the world like never before.

How Do You Stand Out?

Sit down and ask yourself: What do I want to be famous for? This may sound selfish, but to grow your personal brand, you have to take a step back and think about the legacy you want to build.

Not everyone will start a billion dollar company or win the nobel prize. By contrast, your success should not be determined by the financial wealth you produce in your lifetime, but by the prosperity and impact you create for those around you.

Know how you differentiate yourself from others, and understand how to align your skills, passion and ambition to achieve the personal and professional goals you’ve set for yourself.

Be you — It’s what you know best!

You’re not an “Intern” at Quicken Loans, you’re not a “Manager” at General Motors — you don’t “belong to” any company. You’re the CEO of your own personal brand.

“Start thinking of yourself as a corporation. You’re the Chief Executive Officer of your life. Life is a shooting star, burn bright.” — Mitch Thrower

Sell Yourself Without Selling Out

The content that you craft communicates the value and character of your brand. Your tweets, comments, and emails populate the digital archives of the present. Fortunately, the power to create has been democratized by a multitude of free blogging sites and social networks.

When you type your name into Google, what do you see? Is it your website, your LinkedIn profile, an article you’ve recently published, or is it a collection of your favorite cat photos?

Think about the message you’re sending to the world. By growing your personal brand, your network builds empathy with your story and your ambitions. Be authentic to who you are, and people will respect your transparency and commitment to personal growth.

Power Is A Matter Of Perception

If you want people to see you as a powerful brand, lead by example. Be intelligent and responsible, but don’t sit on your hands. Being a leader of your own brand is more than being able to convey confidence.

Don’t be afraid to take action and do what is necessary to stand up for what you believe in. As the CEO of your personal brand, continue to learn and build relationships that place you in a position of growth.

“Get smart and get real. You, Inc. exists whether you want it to or not.” — Tim Ferriss

You’re in the driver’s seat, now it’s time to own your brand like a boss!

How are you building your personal brand?

Thanks for reading! This post was originally published on LinkedIn. If you enjoyed it, please recommend to a friend!



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Personal Branding

CEO at @MySwimPro | Founder of #WorldSwimDay 🌍 | Forbes 30 Under 30 | TEDx Speaker | I write on entrepreneurship, startups, and early-stage angel investing! 🚀